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RE: The Hive Engagement League 🏆

in LeoFinance4 years ago

hello dear friend @ abh12345 good day
I did not expect to be in third place, this was a very complicated week with the times for me, what a pleasant surprise. I am very happy with the result

As our friend Dennise says, we are all winners, commitment favors our company (Hive) and if she does well, we do well
I take the opportunity to wish you a splendid week, that they come to you full of happiness, love and peace. congratulations @galenkp, @papilloncharity it is a true privilege to share the podium with two such committed people. Extensive to the ten most committed of the competition @galenkp, @papilloncharity, @cmplxty, @tattoodjay, @ melinda010100, @ ph1102, @chocolatescorpi, @justclickindiva, @ bigtom13


Congratulations on the 3rd place! That's an awesome result!

And I agree... Everyone on this list is a winner!

Thank you very much dear friend @ ph1102, it is a great result, it was a real sacrifice,
Congratulations, you are also in the top ten most committed people.
happy start of week

Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate your support. You also are to be commended for your 3rd place finish this week. That's nice engagement effort on your part. Have a great week ahead.

Hi jlufer

Congratulations on your top 3 finish this time, have a great week :)