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RE: The Hive Engagement League 🏆

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Congratulations to all who participate in this league, especially to
the three friends leading the competition

Once again, thank you very much dear friend Asher for everything, thanks to you we can enjoy this competition every week.Good morning dear friend @abh12345 thank you very much for everything you do to provide us with this information, and the motivation that is received when viewing the statistics @chekohler, @papilloncharity, @bigtom13, well done guys you are doing very well. Extensive to the ten friends leading the tournament, @galenkp, @chocolatescorpi, @jaynie, @brittandjosie, @starstrings01, @ph1102.

I wish you all a happy start to the week, may it come to you full of peace, love, happiness and prosperity


Let me tell you ranking #1 with this lot is not easy you really have to go full tilt and comment like crazy

You are very right dear friend @chekohler in the competition there are very good committed people, being number one will require a lot of sacrifice and perseverance in the comments, that you enjoy it a lot, you have done a great job.

Thank you very much @jlufer, have an awesome day :)

Thanks for the greetings man 😊

how are you dear friend @ starstrings01 good day
there is nothing to be thankful for, it is a pleasure dear friend, you have done a great job
have a beautiful sunday

Have a great week! And congratulations! :) 💜

Thank you very much for your kind words, you are very kind
congratulations on your level of commitment, you are in the top 20 of the competition
happy day, and happy start of the week, enjoy it a lothello dear friend @pixiepost good day

Thank you, sweetie! I appreciate you! :) Sending #pixiedust your way. Keep up the great work 💜

Thanks for the mention! Well deserved every single person mentioned there!

Have a great week!

hello dear friend @ ph1102 good night
There is nothing to thank dear friend, it is a real pleasure, you are doing things very well, the commitment is greatly appreciated
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid night and a happy start to the week

Thank you very much!

Have a great week!