The game companies wouldn't like it so much though, I remember when they added the codes so you couldn't transfer the game without the right cd key. I guess if they got a piece of the pie it would work.
Yea I unless its an online game, people have already bypassed it. Their next addition to prevent people from downloading is DRM but even that gets cracked eventually. I think it might eventually be something where the game company gets a portion of the payment for some transactions. Long gone are the days where they can avoid people pirating.
Gaming already has tokenization as a part of its core. Now it is just adding cryptocurrency or NFTs.
Instead of ingame tokens that are locked into that specific game and go away when the game is shut off, we need to have it more market based like Splinterlands and the other blockchain games are.
Definitely we need more of these games. Even if they never shut down a game, it may have some people willing to pay so they can get access to an item elsewhere. It helps people play different games from the same developer.
Universal NFTs are going to really enhance what you are envisioning I believe. Imagine a NFT that represents one thing in one game yet can be converted (swapped) for something else in another.
That enables you to retain your value in the NFT while switching games.
Yea and maybe you can have others play your save files and do your grinding for money. I think it would be possible if the game tokens were delegated also.
That brings back memories of my marathon sessions on WoW and City of Heroes. They could NFT the hell out of that. God I wish they'd bring that game back.
I never played Cities of Heroes, but I do think a WoW NFT blockchain universe would be nice. If they did so, people wouldn't mind paying for access to different content. One item in one game could be a gold mine in the next.
Yea I think making games easier to buy and sell (retaining their value) would allow people to make the most of their money. You sell a game when you don't play it anymore and you can rebuy when you want to later without affecting the price too much. I think this way game prices will stay more consistent and people would be more willing to pay.
The good thing about this space here are the possibilities of creating good article themes and you just made one.
Well, I would like to be tokenized on a large scale by football players. The idea already exists, but not as much as I would like worldwide.
To be able to be part of the rights of a player and through a millionaire transfer to be able to receive his share of the negotiation, as a fan and investor that would be incredible.
I think tokenizing real estate in a manner that is open to everyone would be a great. For example, have it open so anyone can by a fractional share in a building by getting some tokens.
So one can invest a few dollars or millions, depending upon the person's financial status.
Sounds interesting but it would be a pain when the building burns down due to a natural disaster. I wonder who's paying for the repairs or does it go to zero?
Yea but the problem is that a bunch of people pooled in their money for real estate. So everyone expects the value to go up but in a case where a natural disaster happens, who is going to be responsible? They may own the property and the right to build on the property but now it will require money to fix it.
Given that the ownership could be 1,000 users, how would they raise the money to rebuild the property and how to compensate the token users in the future are questions to answer. In a general case, you would have one home owner so it is easy but now you need the consensus of like 1,000 people.
But it would be very unlucky if all or most of your tokenized properties could catch fire or go through natural disasters lol
The idea is very interesting and it is true, we must think about the risks but in this case it is almost impossible to imagine that all your investments will happen with these problems.
So would you say insurance companies are here to stay? They kind of just leech off everyone's hard work and try to avoid paying out as much as possible.
It will be revamped completely. Tesla looking at bringing their own insurance out is the first leak in the system.
With the advancement of data, it is hard to envision the present system remaining in place. We can establish one with data and algorithms that operate much better.
Also, imagine the changes that will be taking place in the automotive (self driving) and healthcare (personal monitoring) industries.
These are two big areas for insurance.
And who knows, we might see decentralized models be constructed.
Why couldnt we establish and insurance pool on DeFi that pertains to certain assets that we are protecting.
Seems complicated. I think I need to see some actual details before I believe it. Honestly I think lower costs are better but if accidents start piling up then costs need to stabilize somewhere.
I think NFT as an alternative to physical documents . If 10 members own a house and have the documentation for it and if it burns down what would happen ? The same must happen to NFT holders too.
tokenizing the real estate is a good idea,at least it means that individuals would be able to invest on real estate even with the little capital which they have....@taskmaster4450le
Real estate has been on my mind since day one, I don't know why, I guess I just have passion in it, and here in Nigeria really estate will never go out of style
I think it might be possible already, but I don't know enough to figure it out yet, but I'd like to make it possible to offer my services as a consultant and get paid in tokens.
I would like to see actual games tokenized. It would allow people to sell games you bought online and finished. You can make the most of your money.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The game companies wouldn't like it so much though, I remember when they added the codes so you couldn't transfer the game without the right cd key. I guess if they got a piece of the pie it would work.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yea I unless its an online game, people have already bypassed it. Their next addition to prevent people from downloading is DRM but even that gets cracked eventually. I think it might eventually be something where the game company gets a portion of the payment for some transactions. Long gone are the days where they can avoid people pirating.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Gate keepers, no matter what form they come in, will be ultimately destroyed.
They will have to adapt to the changes or die.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Gaming already has tokenization as a part of its core. Now it is just adding cryptocurrency or NFTs.
Instead of ingame tokens that are locked into that specific game and go away when the game is shut off, we need to have it more market based like Splinterlands and the other blockchain games are.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Definitely we need more of these games. Even if they never shut down a game, it may have some people willing to pay so they can get access to an item elsewhere. It helps people play different games from the same developer.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Universal NFTs are going to really enhance what you are envisioning I believe. Imagine a NFT that represents one thing in one game yet can be converted (swapped) for something else in another.
That enables you to retain your value in the NFT while switching games.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Interesting... Also you could rent the game to another player and get some return :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Kinda like you can rent your Splinterlands cards out, I haven't tried doing that because I use most of them but some people do.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yea and maybe you can have others play your save files and do your grinding for money. I think it would be possible if the game tokens were delegated also.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That brings back memories of my marathon sessions on WoW and City of Heroes. They could NFT the hell out of that. God I wish they'd bring that game back.
City of heroes is gone forever. Or is it?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I never played Cities of Heroes, but I do think a WoW NFT blockchain universe would be nice. If they did so, people wouldn't mind paying for access to different content. One item in one game could be a gold mine in the next.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's a nice idea . I usually don't invest in games because I cannot resale it easily and some games are just too pricey that I cannot afford it .
What you said will really attract people like me to it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yea I think making games easier to buy and sell (retaining their value) would allow people to make the most of their money. You sell a game when you don't play it anymore and you can rebuy when you want to later without affecting the price too much. I think this way game prices will stay more consistent and people would be more willing to pay.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The good thing about this space here are the possibilities of creating good article themes and you just made one.
Well, I would like to be tokenized on a large scale by football players. The idea already exists, but not as much as I would like worldwide.
To be able to be part of the rights of a player and through a millionaire transfer to be able to receive his share of the negotiation, as a fan and investor that would be incredible.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Interesting and funny at the same time. It would be an awesome idea to get more involved in your favorite club decisions.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Undoubtedly it would be and who knows it does not take long. I believe it shouldn't take decades, but a few years.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think tokenizing real estate in a manner that is open to everyone would be a great. For example, have it open so anyone can by a fractional share in a building by getting some tokens.
So one can invest a few dollars or millions, depending upon the person's financial status.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sounds interesting but it would be a pain when the building burns down due to a natural disaster. I wonder who's paying for the repairs or does it go to zero?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think everything has a risk factor when comes to financial terms,
But with a good feasibility sturdy, everything should be in place
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yea but the problem is that a bunch of people pooled in their money for real estate. So everyone expects the value to go up but in a case where a natural disaster happens, who is going to be responsible? They may own the property and the right to build on the property but now it will require money to fix it.
Given that the ownership could be 1,000 users, how would they raise the money to rebuild the property and how to compensate the token users in the future are questions to answer. In a general case, you would have one home owner so it is easy but now you need the consensus of like 1,000 people.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I understand you, that was why I spoke about feasibility study.
Everything in this world needs planning ahead of time
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
But it would be very unlucky if all or most of your tokenized properties could catch fire or go through natural disasters lol
The idea is very interesting and it is true, we must think about the risks but in this case it is almost impossible to imagine that all your investments will happen with these problems.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I would say the asset has to be secured through insurance in that instance.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
So would you say insurance companies are here to stay? They kind of just leech off everyone's hard work and try to avoid paying out as much as possible.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It will be revamped completely. Tesla looking at bringing their own insurance out is the first leak in the system.
With the advancement of data, it is hard to envision the present system remaining in place. We can establish one with data and algorithms that operate much better.
Also, imagine the changes that will be taking place in the automotive (self driving) and healthcare (personal monitoring) industries.
These are two big areas for insurance.
And who knows, we might see decentralized models be constructed.
Why couldnt we establish and insurance pool on DeFi that pertains to certain assets that we are protecting.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Seems complicated. I think I need to see some actual details before I believe it. Honestly I think lower costs are better but if accidents start piling up then costs need to stabilize somewhere.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
DeFi can definitely work in that field too I guess . Don't you think ?
Also I hate insure companies to the core lol.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am not so sure. I think the idea of the pool's value dropping every time an accident occurs doesn't seem appealing to me.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think NFT as an alternative to physical documents . If 10 members own a house and have the documentation for it and if it burns down what would happen ? The same must happen to NFT holders too.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
In that case, I would buy luxury real state.
I think something like Travala’s smart program, but you lock tokens on a chosen property and then receive APY monthly.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
tokenizing the real estate is a good idea,at least it means that individuals would be able to invest on real estate even with the little capital which they have....@taskmaster4450le
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's a nice way to invest. I'd like to see something along those lines too.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Real estate has been on my mind since day one, I don't know why, I guess I just have passion in it, and here in Nigeria really estate will never go out of style
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm surprised there isn't a token doing that already given how awesome the idea is
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Many areas regulation hinders it. There are some projects that were tokenized but they were securities that went through approved parties.
It will take a while for the evolution of this idea to form.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I forgot about the securities thing
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think it might be possible already, but I don't know enough to figure it out yet, but I'd like to make it possible to offer my services as a consultant and get paid in tokens.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think you would be able to do so. Basically you sell the tokens on the market at a specific price and you get back tokens for your services.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Data. I would be richhh lol . No seriously , I wish we can tokenize the data somehow .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I believe that many pioneers will become rich. Tokenization is already a reality for many things.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Everything information. Data is gold in the InfoTech controlled world as ours.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta