Look at Spain, 20% of unemployed but thanks we have socialism and a minimum wage at 950€, they want to increase it to 1200€.
The privilege of few.
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Look at Spain, 20% of unemployed but thanks we have socialism and a minimum wage at 950€, they want to increase it to 1200€.
The privilege of few.
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And that will likely push it to 25%.
If nothing else, they get people more dependent upon government which politicians, of any party, love.
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You hit the nail, the current government is starting to assign monthly welfare of 470-1100€ per person without any income, while our deficit is above 10% and debt is above 120% of GDP, crazy.
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Governments around the world are addicted to the cheap money. This is going to be a problem when interest rates go up which they will have to after defaults start to happen.
Then it will get a lot harder for them to engage in their antics.
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