
I am watching Jon Olsen's CTP project from a distance. I was once a part of his project and still consider him a friend. I am not involved in any way, but I genuinely hope he makes me say "Damn. If only I'd have gotten into the CTP deal when Jon asked me."

I have a couple of other things I pay attention to also. But for now, I am basically all hive all the time.

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Other than Hive and obviously BTC, I have watched HLIX @hlix which is not starting to show signs of growing.

Right from start invested, watch/wait patiently knowing developer @nathansenn is trustworthy keeping to his word. Much like Steem/Hive move this coin too had bumps in the road.

If it goes too smooth with a new coin I worry about a scam. I've seen a couple of those, fortunately without too much money lost...

I'm going to look into hlix. Might could be I learn something new.