Reading then re-reading well where to start, migraines I have never considered being a possible marker for strokes, eldest son almost 40 suffered with since puberty.
Late 2020 we believe he took first panic attack, 6 months later in 2021 a far worse one, many tests have been run, yet still he feel his teeth don't feel part of his body, this happened from before 1st incident From my point of view it was a chemical imbalance, I know weird, I'm trying to understand this not feeling as part of oneself. You have opened my eyes in what you have written, he needs to get the MRI scan which they all reluctant to do. Thanks for detailed account of this and sorry I am unable to say but do hope more comes back to you.
Blockchain technology especially crypto I thought would assist this woe begotten world, slowly eroding. Sadly sharing of wealth will never happen quite as envisioned in the early days, people who don't have simply cannot afford to take any form of risk.
"Watch what you sow" sprang to mind, something my Dad would say, looking back I wonder if more should have turned to self sufficiency in homesteading living off-grid, or pursing a world wide transformation in man, balance has been lost between man and environment, where to start?
No celebrations here will quietly watch one day into the next, look after the dog if people persist/insist on fireworks over the half hour legally allowed here. It is raining so hope it pours at midnight 😄, animals are already terrified with electrical storms going through.
Happy New Year at midnight Taraz, to Wifey and Smallsteps too....