wHive providers - gotta catch'em all!

in LeoFinance4 years ago



What happened since last post
The liquidity of wHive pools increased a bit. But still, the number of people willing to trade/swap is close to none. What is more, I'm quite curious why Uniswap shows that I have no liquidity and have no fees earned.


The one who provides liquidity to wHive pools, show yourself

The main question is, do you know anyone providing liquidity? In order to make this whole thing more representative, I need to identify people that provide such liquidity - currently I've been able to identify only about 20%, that's too little.

Would you mind spreading the word?

(if you want to be excluded, just drop a line please - will cease to call you, sorry for any inconvenience) @cardboar, @khaleelkazi, @fbslo, @dalz, @russia-btc, @trumpman, @jk6276, @claudio83, @lordbutterfly, @partitura, @themarkymark

How did it go?

post dateHive rewards
3/09/20201,21 HBD and 6,8 HP
5/09/20200,49 HBD and 2,84 HP
8/09/20200,45 HBD and 2,49 HP
14/09/20201,1 HBD and 6,36 HP
28/09/20200,49 HBD and 3,28 HP
2/10/20200,751 HBD ¯_(ツ)_/¯

As for Leo rewards:

post dateLEO rewards
3/09/202027,79 LEO
5/09/202032,16 LEO
8/09/202016,55 LEO
14/09/202011,94 LEO
28/09/20203,91 LEO
2/10/20205,72 LEO

How to find yourself on the list?

  1. provide liquidity for any of whive pools on uniswap
  2. send me your address in the comment or via encrypted memo if you want it to be shared publicly.

Here are the current numbers


The rewards for this post go to:
@khaleelkazi 66%
@jocieprosza 34%

Zrzut ekranu 20201001 200417.png

Always check if the rewards are set as stated in the post

How to sent encrypted memo?

Send me a fraction of hive with memo starting with '#' character. It works on hive, it did not on peakd though.

I am hungry for any feedback here

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This post is a sort of provisory measure - [I was mentoning in this post](https://leofinance.io/hive-167922/@jocieprosza/bootstrapping-whive-liquidity-via-provisory-solution) - to create some incentives for hive users providing liquidity for WrappedHive pools. The beneficiaries are those supporting the liquidity of wHive pools.

The reason Whive is stagnating is because HIVE has 0 marketing. Nothing exciting is happening and the future doesnt seem to promise much.

The second layer is where the excitement is at. With DEC and LEO and the incentives they provide. 60k USD worth of land from Splinterlands and i dunno how many thousands of dollars worth of LEO.

See the problem HIVE has is that our stakeholders and witnesses, the guys that make the calls, to put it mildly, are dumb and inert.

Just as an example, if you wanted to increase the liquidity, greatly increase the volume you could fairly easily do it.
The "guys" make a proposal for lets say 200k USD worth of HBD that will be provided as an incentive to provide liquidity to WHIVE. Than we all rush on twitter and tell the world, since everyone likes money this will undoubtedly attract attention and WHIVE becomes a thing.
Good from price perspective and good from marketing perspective.

Im just giving an example and im not saying if this is a good or bad idea, im just saying that simple things like this can be done but they wont be...


As i said above... because the guys in charge of HIVE are inert and dumb.

My best suggestion is to change the witnesses and help give quality folks more voice. Edicted and Leofinance being good choices.

I'm waiting for the decentralized code to be completed. This morning, wLEO was probably hacked and over 230 ETH so far was drained from the liquidity pool. I don't want this to happen with wHIVE when it's 100x bigger.

I agree with you on many levels.
The personal aim of this programme is to recover my losses in the project (or at least minimise them). The creator of the token is @fbslo and he's not the 'guys' you've mentioned.

Fbslo is one of those id say give a witness vote to.

What´s the point of having WHIVE again?
Hive is anyway listed on major exchanges, unlike LEO (so far).
So apart of spending gas fee, what is the use case?

The project of whive is somewhat in hibernation. The community is focused on wLeo, but it does not mean we should abandon the project. This incentive is aimed to convince others to keep their funds to see whether the project is going to be revived.

The aim of wHive (as far as I know) is to create a bridge between DeFi and Hive. DeFi is the thing right now and it's going to develop.

I see, thanks!