Digital Art about Staking on Exhibit at Riverside CA Gallery

in LeoFinance2 years ago

This digital art detail, on exhibit now in-person at Riverside Community Arts Association in California, will be dropping soon as a NFT about the economics of staking rewards in crypto. The full animation will be released as part of the ArtVndngMchn rare digital art collection on WAX AtomicHub, and collectors of it can stake it to receive more WAX through the ArtVndngMchn NFT staking farm at WAXDAO.

The topic of staking NFTs to receive crypto rewards is one that I believe has incredible growth potential, and will likely play a big part in the future of digital art economics. Yet you need not wait for the future. You can stake ArtVndngMchn NFTs now! See this cryptoart staking article for more detail.