Lol the laughter really gets interesting from 0.15, a kind of laughter that get you laughing along without caring about cause of the laughter
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lol the laughter really gets interesting from 0.15, a kind of laughter that get you laughing along without caring about cause of the laughter
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's that laugh. which I wanted to share, I laughed the last three days after it was recorded. But, I have a live generator of this laughter in the next room)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Do you mean a laughter generator? this is cool something different, we've to enjoy some laughter now and again.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I mean my wife's mom, who laughs from time to time in the next room), she is a good generator of laughter. especially when I laugh
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lol that's cool, now I get what you meant by laugh generator must be a family with laughter vibes over there
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
You can say that.)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta