I look forward to days when my Splinterlands assets was worth between $7 to $8k and that was before Chaos Legion, now my cards are worth $4,279.33
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I look forward to days when my Splinterlands assets was worth between $7 to $8k and that was before Chaos Legion, now my cards are worth $4,279.33
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yea the price has dropped by half but it's still worth more than what it was a year ago. As I continue to build, the value of these cards should continue to go up and I can rake in more income over time through the rental market.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I see the value of our deck going up as well, it is really worth building.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yea it is but it's too bad the rental market has taken a hit and we aren't earning as much DEC anymore. I hope next season's reward changes help change that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am looking forward to the new reward system with the hope of better rewards across the leagues.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta