
Why is that? Why do they do them?

South Africa is going through an electricity crisis, a self-manufactured crisis with politics at play. So we have been subject to what they term "Loadshedding" for the last 3 years. Last year go worse and it seems the worst is yet to come.

Ah got you. Yes I understand how this all evolves.

It really sucks.

It sucks when something is abundant but has to be used minimally

Load shedding, right? Rolling blackouts meant to keep the electrical grid from frying due to brownout?

This that's the case, then California does the same thing. New York is still safe from that, but I give it 4 years before it comes here.

Yes Load shedding, lol is this happening in California too?
I might as well just deal with it if it is happening in the States as well.

Only California. Sadly, things starting in CA have a tendency 2migrate 2 / 2infect the other 49 states & 6 territories. It's been so bad in CA since 2020 that 4 D 1st time in CA history it lost both population & representation in Congress.

Lol we do not have planned outages in California, just sometimes in the summer when demand is high they ask people to not use as much electricity. I live here and these others I highly suspect don't.

It is reasonable to plan outage when demand is high unlike SA when people are sleeping in the early hours they still cut off power, how does that even make sense. Sad when a bunch of fools are leading the nation.

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They don't plan them though 😂 If it happens it happens and usually because someone ran their car into a pole or something

Interesting findings, these are problems that I believe are within the control of the government but their priority lies on something else.

Oh gosh, that sucks. Glad you can still get around things.

Yeah it is crazy, power is back on now for 4 hours then it goes again. Time to get busy lol

You're awesome for making the necessary adjustments and taking advantage of the limited time.😉

Lol I have to hey!