
Just so you know, you can transfer something into and convert it to BNB without the full verification. I think anything under $5k. That's what I did. I deposited some Dash, traded it into USDT (i think) then bought BNB. Then I sent that to the Binance Wallet. There, following a tutorial, I switched it from the Binance Chain to the BSC (Binance Smart Chain). Finally, I could then move it to my metamask (after adding the BSC chain to that-also with the help of a tutorial found here.) From there, I followed the steps and viola, I'm a farmer. lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh yes thank you! I bought BNB already, now having trouble sending it to my Metamask wallet...

Binance SG is giving problems - requiring both the "Recipient" and "Memo". They rejected my Metamask wallet address as an invalid BNB address, and I know not what to do.

Posted via D.Buzz

Make sure the BEP20 Withdrawal Network is selected. If BEP2 is the only Withdrawal Network available then you must first send to a Binance Chain (BEP2) wallet address and from there send a cross chain transfer to Binance Smart Chain (BEP20). I wrote a post about it if you need further assistance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta