Did you enjoy BTC @ $12k while it lasted?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Bitcoin briefly hit $12k last night before plummeting shortly after

And I am not sure if plummet is a strong enough word.

Bitcoin literally erased the last couple days of gains in minutes as the price dropped all the way down to $10,600.

And again, this happened in mere minutes:

(Source: ~~~ embed:1289784025968603137/photo/1) twitter metadata:TU1jcnlwdG98fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vTU1jcnlwdG8vc3RhdHVzLzEyODk3ODQwMjU5Njg2MDMxMzcvcGhvdG8vMSl8 ~~~

The price has since recovered slightly, currently trading around $11,200, but a long ways from those highs still.

It's funny how $11,200 felt pretty good a few days back and today it doesn't feel so good.

It's all about perspective I guess.

Posted Using LeoFinance


Volatility is back. It is never far away with Bitcoin.

Posted Using LeoFinance

HODLers have no problem with this.

Posted Using LeoFinance

My plan is sell some in mid to late 2021, whatever price that is, based on the cycles.

Well never been a Bitcoin fan boy, but I did enjoy the Eth ride to $400. Now that was a sight for me and it didn't drop as significantly as Bitcoin did. Just a minor retracement

Many alts outperform bitcoin, it's just a matter of picking the right ones. HIVE has not performed well thus far.