It's Crypto Mondays - ListNerds & It's Downvotes...

in LeoFinance3 years ago

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Tonight was....An interesting discussion!

Since we relaunched ListNerds , the whole idea behind it was to help people 'get better' at sending messages to others. Which in turn, helps their personal brand and here on the blockchain....Can even translate into higher rewards!

The problem might be, people aren't using their downvotes on the platform to encourage people to get 'better'....We aren't sure if the original purpose of this platform is being realized.....

Which brings us to....Tonight's discussion...And it got interesting for sure!

We'd love your feedback, because without you...ListNerds doesn't exist!

Hope you guys enjoy the show and help ListNerds become the powerhouse platform we all know it can be :)

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I believe upvotes should be used for posts where the individual actually put in some effort to create the post. I would upvote splash pages that the individual actually created.

I use my downvotes for bad links that show up repeatedly. If they didn't care enough to test their email, why would I reward them? If I ever see, which I haven't, offensive material, I would downvote it.

Where I have am indecisive is

  1. Generic splash pages - I don't vote. If this is a mailer, people should be able to mail splash pages but not be rewarded.
  2. Sending the same emails over and over - one subscriber, in particular, has very detailed posts about games. They send people to these same posts over and over again. I rewarded them initially but have started downvoting.

This is how I have been using my votes now. I did go through a period of all upvotes because I read in a post that I would get more ListNerd tokens. Eventually, I just couldn't do that anymore.

I use my downvotes for bad links that show up repeatedly. If they didn't care enough to test their email, why would I reward them?

I had a couple of mails early this month were the image and links were all broken, it got dv'd like crazy. And I appreciated it! It got my butt in gear to make sure it never happened again! And yes, I do test my emails now. :-)

Yeah it's important to keep things fresh. I myself have been having a hard time keeping my content new...A downvote actually tells me I need to step up my game.

Well, I think I use the whole upvote and downvote system very sparingly in ListNerds. The time I downvote something is because there is an obvious case of plagiarism, misinformation or content that shocks me (thank God, I haven't seen anything like this last one in Listnerds, yet). On the contrary, to upvote something, it has to add something very useful to me personally, like those mails about embedding images in ListNerds, new ways to earn money or something very pleasing, like a good set of pictures or a delicious recipe. I think all of that deserves a good upvote!

When a link isn't included, I can't upvote or downvote it. So, I just report it. The same thing when there's a dead link or a link that leads to a page that seems shady, even though it isn't so. As my "voting power" in ListNerds is so low, I try to use it only in cases of really outstanding or alarming content. For that reason, I can't upvote or downvote everything.

At first, I didn't understand the icons, they were too little or disconnected from mail subjects. Nevertheless, and as the time passed by, I noticed them and learned how to use them, thanks to the good ListNerds documentation around. I hope you find my point of view useful!


Thanks for that feedback. Maybe we try to figure ways to encourage more CTP staking on the platform. Or it might not be clear enough on how that increases the ability to vote on things.

Appreciate it a lot, it's good to hear this stuff so we can get better :)

I usually don't do downvotes except in rare cases. In my more or less 8 months on Hive, I think I just did it twice or three times. As for ListNerds, after watching your YouTube channel this morning and hearing the reasons for downvotes, I did downvote one for the first time for I see no point in sharing an article outside of Hive with almost zero interaction with the content he is sharing. As for dead links, yes I see many, but I just ignore them. Reputation is good as well as the prior acquaintance on Hive, but still, I don't automatically upvote an email because of these. I recognize that value is subjective, but if I see that, though I don't know the person and he has a low reputation, he deserves an upvote.

Thanks for the comments :)

Yeah I mean, I'll vote people I know are adding value. I do my best to comment on posts as well but that's something I really need to improve upon LOL

Thankfully, ListNerds is helping me do that!

I actually wrote about this 7-8 days ago and said that one of the main reasons I powered up is to downvote.

I think I shared an image in the discord server of two "different" accounts sharing the same thing, which their entire link (In their almost identical title) was the reputation link. There's an entire group of people who work together, including two who were already caught by Hivewatchers for plagiarising slowly rising, and I already see three of them in the top 50 in rep and LN rich list. There are some more details I can't share here.

Whether we like it or not, this is on us as listnerds members and community. People think it's nice to just upvote everyone. I'd argue it's also nice to make sure that rewards go to people working hard, not only with quality content but also engaging properly with every mail they receive and interacting with others, as well as attempting to bring people on board. I remember making the Listnerd curation idea/post, a few days later thisismylife created a welcoming message/picture. Now I see Jimmy and Bestart having their own and working hard to spread the word.

Forget about my team, as obviously I would be biased there. It's unfair to have the work of someone like Jimmy and Bestart treated the same way as someone who shared a random article online about superfood or some clothing site that they have nothing to do with.

Downvotes are important, I'd argue as important as upvotes. It's the community's job to do that.

Appreciate you man, thanks for this!

Yeah and that's really what we want to do, put the power in your guys hands, so you can decide what adds value here and what doesn't. It's not perfect, and we'll always try to get better.

But I think a lot of it comes from the 'downvote' drama that can happen here on hive.

Oh yes, I definitely use the UP and DOWNvote.

If I see a mail that is not adding any value to me, or obviously plagiarized, I don't hesitate to use the downvote button. On Hive, I can't remember that I ever downvoted, but in Listnerds it's not rare anymore.

The tricky thing with this, however, is that it is different to everyone what they consider "adding value" and "quality". So there is something that needs to be addressed, I think.

What can be considered bringing value?

For person A it can mean that they are looking from their own perspective, and a referral link without any information can mean that they add value in their opinion. While person B finds it annoying and not adding value at all.

Same with the blogs that are shared. The goal is obviously to draw attention to your blog. But if the blog is not to your liking, is that adding value? Even if the sender obviously took a lot of time to work on the blog and mail?

Besides this, the amount of CTP you have staked also makes a big difference. And the amount of Hive / money you can, and are willing to spend to buy CTP. There are many variables here.

Yeah that is 100% subjective for sure. What is adding value and what is not. I really don't want ListNerds to treat certain content like it's treated on hive directly, I just want to see something cool every once and a while lol

Yeah, I understand what you're saying. But even that is subjective ... lol

Being the first mailer ever to have up and downvotes is amazing. I hate getting downvotes primarily because I do not know what it is I need to improve so I am doing a lot of trial and error to improve as best I can as soon as possible.
Upvoting is a lot of fun. I enjoy supporting those that take the time to create good content and promote it on Listnerds. I also upvote all of those that try to build their brand and list with personalized LCPs.
I try my best to do this daily but have had a bit of bad luck lately and I have some holes in my performance that I am working very hard to remedy.
I can not wait to see where everything is 1 year from today 😀

We are happy to hear it!

Yeah that's our thinking too...A year from now, what will this place look like?

But why would someone upvote a dead link rather than checking it out properly to see if it deserves a downvote? I think it's tricky, the emails should work to meet a standards. It's a dicey issue though. Thanks for talking about it with your guests.

yeah. which is funny cause i rarely if ever use downvotes on Hive. but with listnerds, the downvote seems to be used even less lol

Yeah I think irrespective of the reasons for the usage of downvotes, the recipients will still feel hard done by the effect of the downvote.

I have seem some people do downvote but very few people. Reason for less downvotes are

  1. Its human psychology to more like than dislike, if they dislike they just leave instead of down voting

  2. Not enough votes, like me for e.g I have only 4 votes. I might not wanna use to down vote someone. Instead upvote and help some good content.

  3. No spammy mails. Even though some looks spams, but on our platform yet I have't seen spam or fraud links so that I will downvote them.

thanks for the feedback!

you are right. the psychology of a downvote is rough. makes people feel like what they did isn’t valued. maybe it’s a way we need to approach it. brand of as something else.

(now that the dv button is GREEN instead of RED, the psychology of downvote has been reversed)

I've only been on ListNerds for a few days and find the use of most features quite intuitive and that includes the Up/Downvotes.

So far I have only used the Upvotes and this is when the link I have found to be of a high quality and the link is from a trusted source.

This is my first time using Email marketing and am finding the process good so far and am discovering new content that I wouldn't normally find.

Keep the developments coming, I looking forward to collect those Listnerd Tokens.

Yeah it's a big change from traditional email marketing, that's for sure. We're really trying to focus on people coming to the content and engaging with each other, not just push their latest opportunity on others.

Non-marketers are pursuing this organically, adjusting the strategy and learning what works and what doesn't. Listening for feedback, tweaking here, removing there, adding here. This is all natural for a non-marketer.

Marketers have been trained "this is how you do it" and push forward regardless of feedback and negative reinforcement, then they complain when they don't get the success they believe they deserve. How do I know this? I just described myself as a marketer! I made the decision to become a non-marketer and it changed everything.

Love this comment! I have always said, when I stopped 'trying' to make money online...I started making money online lol Same kind of thing...Do things, everyone else isn't!

Well downvotes really demotivate user to write and stay active with any platform, For example, if I get downvote I may quit the platform right there and this is my honest statement. There are many blockchain platform that pays for writing and people want to have positive response when they knows that they are original content creator and they deserves better. Thanks for the discussion.

I appreciate the comments, however I'm not talking about downvotes on Hive. This is all on ListNerds - the promotional platform.

okay I see, sorry for the misunderstanding. I thought it would be about platforms like hive and steemit.

nah, no worries. yeah it's a different model, we're based and built on Hive, but our 'downvotes and upvotes' aren't directly for rewards.

I think downvoting is often need to be practiced to clean out some of the content which does not deserve to be in feed, now in the context of listnerds, that comes in list. I also noticed that a lot of those issues happen because people just want to bombard the offer and move on. And often that does not work as people have this mindset to be knowing the person and have a connection before buying anything from their links.

Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah for sure, I think friends will always upvote friends. And that's part of building community and a tribe. I just hope we aren't hurting more than helping if just blindly upvote everything on ListNerds

I only have so much stake in Listnerds and that is going up slowly over time. So I only vote what I think is good but if there were rewards for downvoting and it not getting verified, then more people would.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's a cool idea Blain came up with, we'll see if that's something we can implement.

I very rarely vote against any content on both hive and Listnerds. For two main reasons.

The first and most important is to respect the effort that everyone makes in their publications even if they are not to my liking.

The second is not to create a bad environment, when someone is voted negatively, for whatever reason, a negative environment is created in which the votes are no longer made for a real and impartial reason but for many other reasons. This creates mistrust and mistrust destroys communities.

On the other hand...If people are being rewarded for just cruising along without putting in a ton of effort, that can destroy a community as well. We do need a healthy mix.

I have started using downvotes if I see the same impersonal ad multiple times with no changes/effort shown. Please clarify what the report button is for: missing links? nonsecure links? Since I have lots of votes to give, I want to be a blessing to the Listnerds ecosystem by using them wisely.

Report buttons are for no links at all, or just awful spammy, abusive content.

I do not down-vote because I know certainly that what I might assume not appealing and disgusting, might be another persons favorite dish or post. I spend my energy up-voting posts that personally feels good or impacts me positively, .

Yeah I think it needs to be stated, that's ListNerds downvotes aren't the same as Hive ones.

True, there is a difference between ListNerds down-vote and Hive down-vote.

Listnerds has downvotes? I never look at that button. Too scary! 😂😂 If I don't like something, I would simply ignore it. Only going to downvote spam but I haven't seen that much on my emails except one or two that I ignored because it wasn't too much. Are they going to see my downvotes though?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No one knows if you downvote them or not. I don't even know LOL It's meant to be anonymous so the 'wars' dont start but at the end of the day, it never hurts your CTP / ListNerds stake in the system.

It's not very easy to split your power vote between upvote and downvote, on average it's 2/3 - 1/3 for me.
It would be easier if we had an upvote bar in green and a downvote bar in red for example, which would recharge like the current bar.
(upvoted on Listnerd btw)

@jongolson! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @chapelle. (4/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Quickest way to never worry about the power is, staking more CTP ;)

Obviously 😀

@jongolson! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @chapelle. (3/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

In my case, I only use upvotes. This is because my votes are scarce (maybe this is the case for Listnerds as a whole until more people join) and I can find enough content to upvote and deplepte my chances. If I would have more votes, I may downvote more, but if I understand the system correctly, not getting 20 upvotes can be incentive enough to get better. Right now, my downvotes are reserved only for blatant plagiarism.

Yeah that's an idea we've had, a way to reward people if something doesn't get verified. It's a tricky 'formula' to find, to get it right...But we'll keep trying!

Currently with only 3 votes per day I find it hard to just choose the outstanding content that I want to see more of. My vote is one of those votes that have the extra power at this moment in time. Those of us with only a few votes are the ones that are pushing some of the emails over the 20 vote threshold for a verified email. There are not enough votes in the system yet to push 50% of the emails over the verified level. I also perceive there is some use of downvotes to punish people, so I try not to get on the down vote people's radar screen.
I also plan on selling a few Listnerds and buying CTP with the proceeds. Have you thought of a pool/method to swap them in listnerds?

We've thought about it for sure. We've created our own little pool for LISTNERDS, if people buy from the platform, we make sure there is always liquidity on the buy side of things.

In Listnerds, I log in daily and read the email. I also vote on a daily basis. Upvotes mostly but occasionally I give out a downvote but this is not my norm. I try to keep my voting power less than 100% so continue to try and vote on a daily basis. To get my downvote, something has to be wrong technically with the email and associated link. An upvote or a downvote are basis on personal opinions and I do not believe in down voting unless there is a very good reason for it. I see others downvote everything for the slightest of errors, like one misspelled word or just because that person is doing better than them. Since the downvote is part of the program, it is their right to downvote anything they please but sometimes it is used in a destructive means and not to help the person get better.

Yeah I'll never downvote anything for spelling mistakes...Have you ever read my posts? LOL I'll never win a spelling bee.

But we need to find a way for people to not get too comfortable, and when it's all upvotes, that's what might happen.

The things I downvote are links that don't work or send me to a place I didn't expect to go or an ad that is for something that I feel is a scam. I still feel a little weird downvoting though and usually I tend to delete them. Not saying I won't. I am just not used to doing it. It feels uncomfortable.

Ahhh, but...Comfort zones are the worst place to be as an entrepreneur ;)

Totally! And I was downvoting several more yesterday. Like you and Blain said. It's not mean. It's just feedback to help them do better.

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-- @lisamgentile1961

Hello everyone!

I am here to learn what is Listnerds and how it should work?
The website highlights "Get rewarded for sending and receiving high-quality email messages."

Does it mean that no affiliate products are allowed here at all?

One of our respected Listnerds members @amirtheawesome1 mentioned this "some members share random articles (affiliate) on this platform. "

With due respect, If Affiliates' products do not fall under "email messages" then they might get downvotes.

"There is a group of people who work together."
When someone joins a system he has the right to promote the community and work together and I see others doing the same. That's how any team operates.
If you start downvoting any person only because he/she belongs to that team is kind of an insane approach.
Downvoting, in the long run, demotivates people to continue whatsoever.
If someone starts a "downvote drama" and then starts bragging about it publicly, then they shouldn't forget about the consequences it might bring along.
Thank you @jongolson allowing my opinion here.
Love & Support to all.

Does it mean that no affiliate products are allowed here at all?

affiliate products. What I was talking about are random articles to which the mailer isn't affiliated. You don't become affiliated with a site just because you share a link from it. Just like you don't become the author of a post just because you copied the text from an online article.

When I said "random articles" it's pretty obvious what is meant. That is used to describe articles that the sender isn't affiliated with whatsoever.

That's how any team operates.

I was being specific about how certain people went up. To me, a team isn't about upvoting a teammate regardless of their content and if they mail bad content. And it's definitely not about concentrating effort to downvote one person or two for calling out plagiarism consistently regardless of the quality of their content.

If someone starts a "downvote drama" and then starts bragging about it publicly,

Do you mean like when a group starts downvoting someone because they called out one of them plagiarising more than once? That kind of downvote drama?

If you start downvoting any person only because he/she belongs to that team is kind of an insane approach.

Exactly, that's why I always downvote mails that are legitimately awful. Downvoting blindly regardless of the content is something only brainless people would do.

Downvoting, in the long run, demotivates people to continue whatsoever.

I understand what you're saying, I really do. But, I also specifically gave an example to contrast the difference between the two extremes. There's a difference between people downvoting maliciously and just as a reaction and people doing based on standards. Go through the comments here and the video above, since you seem to be responding to my comment more than the video, and you will see that I am not the only one with that opinion.

I think even working toward improving will get you points for effort. It takes some really pitiful people to just downvote regardless of the posts. Otherwise, once you express actual willingness to improve, people will see and support that.

I personally have no issue with someone promoting and sending links of others work out there...It benefits the original author and creator. Helps build their brand and generate traffic.

Affiliate programs can be promoted, I just think there has to be a unique way to do it, rather than just...Buy my stuff.

Thanks for the shout out in the video! lol.

Definitely agree with your comments about downvotes. When I get a downvote on Publish0x, it is a reminder for me to take corrective action.

And that's exactly what we hope it accomplishes...A positive outcome and a reminder to get better every day :)


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@chapelle(3/5) tipped @jongolson (x1)
cpol tipped jongolson (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

You guys said feedback is important so here's my two cents.

You can't make people use downvotes as much as upvotes no matter what, imo. More downvotes maybe, but still only a fraction of the upvotes. That's why everyone will keep going up, quite rapidly, as the system is now.

I was surprised about how easily it was to rank up. It shouldn't be like that, and I don't believe downvotes will fix the general trend, it will only maybe slow it down a bit.

Maybe it would have been better to make it harder (multiplied by 2 or 1.3, or whatever, you decide is the right number) to reach the next level than the one you're at. Like Hive rep system works (sort of), or Rising Star. Easy to rank up the very first few levels. Much harder at higher levels. That of course can still be changed, even now after being used for some time.

Something additionally, which may or may not be a good idea (I know it was discussed in the S. days, but I don't remember why it wasn't implemented), is to slowly but continuously drop in reputation (every day or every week). That's an incentive to stay active to keep your reputation and long inactive people will drop in reputation and will need to start over when they come back. This is for @blainjones too.

I took some time to think about this before responding but I have mixed feelings about the voting on mail. I do downvote any mail that has a broken link or default link and I generally upvote mails rather liberally. I guess I am the "Anti-Blain" in that I will give credit as long as the mail is well written and the link is working. I guess I look at #ListNerds as a marketing tool first and foremost, so I try to keep that in mind when voting. It would be different if it were only a few credits at stake, but not getting verified is a substantial loss of tokens. I am not sure I understand why the use of the automailer is somewhat frowned upon as it is built into the system for marketing purposes. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good part of the content created by the members and I cannot see why downvoting would be helpful to a content creator just because the subject is not something you are interested in. Just my opinion


The transcripts cover a variety of topics ranging from community engagement, reputation management, feedback mechanisms, to discussions on projects like Listeners and platforms such as Hive within the cryptocurrency space. The hosts emphasize the significance of authentic engagement, quality content creation, utilizing feedback effectively, and fostering relationships within the community. They discuss strategies to enhance user participation, improve content quality, and drive meaningful interactions to create a vibrant and valuable online presence. Additionally, they touch upon events like the Bitcoin Conference in Miami, investments in cryptocurrencies, and the importance of staying vigilant against scams in the digital sphere.

Detailed Article:

The episodes featured in the transcripts delve into the intricate dynamics of community engagement, reputation management, and feedback mechanisms within the realm of cryptocurrency platforms and social media networks. The discussions shed light on the importance of fostering genuine interactions, providing value to the audience, and building relationships to thrive in the digital marketing and entrepreneurial landscape.

One of the main focal points of the episodes is the project Listeners, where the hosts explore the concept of reputation within the community and strategies to incentivize constructive feedback and engagement. They highlight the significance of downvotes as a means to encourage growth and discourage subpar content or spammy behavior, aiming to elevate the quality of discussions and contributions within the platform.

Furthermore, the episodes touch upon the Hive platform, emphasizing the need for meaningful rewards and quality content creation to drive user engagement. The speakers discuss the role of downvotes in promoting constructive criticism and maintaining the platform's content standards, urging users to strive for continuous improvement in their contributions.

The conversations also extend to broader topics within the cryptocurrency space, including insights on market updates, community events like the Bitcoin Conference in Miami, and the importance of vigilance against scams targeting crypto enthusiasts. The hosts blend informative discussions with humor and practical advice, creating an engaging and insightful dialogue for participants within the community.

Overall, the episodes offer a comprehensive exploration of the challenges and opportunities within the digital marketing, entrepreneurship, and cryptocurrency spheres. By advocating for authentic engagement, constructive feedback, and continuous learning, the hosts provide valuable insights for individuals looking to establish a strong online presence and contribute meaningfully to their respective communities.

Notice: This is an AI-generated summary based on a transcript of the video. The summarization of the videos in this channel was requested/approved by the channel owner.