
You buy $LEO or something?



I respect it, and anyone that wants more of it, go ahead....But I have zero use case for BTC in my life. I'm in no position currently to build up a store of value, as I need to live and pay for the basic needs for my family. Maybe when things get better for me, I'll think about buying for the future with BTC

I would have bought it.

I hate it lol Have it all.

I know you do.
I just like to have some as a diversified holdings.

I wish I could APE into Leo like you are. You will do well with it.

Oh man, in no means do I think I ape'd into this because there wasn't any huge buys. But I know what you mean....Just slow and steady to grow this stuff for me.

I know it has been slow and steady buys.
I just couldn't think of another word.

I actually wish sometimes I wasn't buidling so I could just stack coins.
Life would be easier.

But I can't turn back now.

It's a big reason why I decided to step away from my old projects. Biggest reason, dev quit lol Which sucks when you don't know how the tech stuff works....But honestly, it's freedom for me now. Not stressing about what's breaking etc lol I salute you guys, you have much more patience than me lol

I don't know if it patience or just being stubborn.
Team is coming off of Holiday right now.
So hoping to get some gameplay footage soon.

well I am still holding on to the little bit I have. I think it will go back up

wo0t wo0t you planning on buying back in?