Random question of the day....
Do you think shopping local and having to pay a bit extra than at a national store helps the economy?
Or has Wal Mart won?
Random question of the day....
Do you think shopping local and having to pay a bit extra than at a national store helps the economy?
Or has Wal Mart won?
I see a push happening towards local farms again however that's mainly only with higher income families. If you have a tighter budget you'll still be going to walmart etc.
i work in a niche store that has a dedicated customer base...but they are starting to be able to buy the stuff we sell, in Wal Mart's etc...Wonder how long it'll be, until price is the deciding factor. Maybe it's already true for some families like you said.
my plan is to take profits next moonshot and start a business that can collaborate with and help other businesses
I try to go local as much as I can. I only use chain stores when we are really pinching pennies…
Wal Mart and others will never completely win, if local means better service and better quality, it will always prevail!