Oh fun things I learned today on $HIVE
If you delegate and undelegate RC to people, even if it's minimal, it'll drain your own RC lol
I'm down to 33% right now lol
Oh fun things I learned today on $HIVE
If you delegate and undelegate RC to people, even if it's minimal, it'll drain your own RC lol
I'm down to 33% right now lol
If you do it once, that's a learning opportunity. If you do it again, that's a sign of stupidity! LOL
Dude, I've been on this blockchain for years and I still learn new things every day lol Even if it hurts lol
That means you are USING it! lol
You don't learn if you never try!
Oh no doubt man, gotta use this stuff every single day
Way to learn something new today. Tomorrow... fractions
Math is my favorite! 1+1 = 3 and no one can tell me different!!! lol
Oh! I didn't even notice that. Thanks for letting us know.
It's rebuilding, but wow, shocked to see it get that low so quick.
It looks like transactions on Hive are taking more RCs.
It should recover pretty soon. When I undelegated RC (and I actually had the vast majority delegated), it came back to 100% after a short while.
Sounds to me like you just need to power up more $HIVE ;)
Yea. I have noticed that as well but having more RCs means it recovers faster. I remember how bad things were after I lost a delegation when I was small.
Lol who'd have thunk it
Quite terrifying. Didn't know about this.