In useless Jongo news....I'm back from my latest 3 week tour of Western Canada...
And remembered to re-up my $LEO Premium....
Question: I'm at 13% APR, how does one get to 18%?
In useless Jongo news....I'm back from my latest 3 week tour of Western Canada...
And remembered to re-up my $LEO Premium....
Question: I'm at 13% APR, how does one get to 18%?
Don't know, I am at 16
I have delegated to leo voter (since forever)
And chose to stake rewards....Anything else I should be doing?
That is all I am doing, oh, Premium I think gives me the other 2 percent.
ahhh gotcha, jut need to wait for it to kick in then.
Yipper ;)
Proxy your governance to leo.voter. Switch to staked. Welcome back, should be a memorable trip.