If you are a fan of $LEO pay very close attention who is voting for their proposal....
And then compare that to the top witnesses and see how much of a fight LEO has ahead of it. This blockchain literally does everything it can to stop this platform.
Pay very close attention!!
well this doesn't sound very nice
we need more Lions speaking up! Use your votes!!
yeah I voted on this, but I'm only a newlion don't have much weight behind my vote
It is a fight. LFG!
Yeah noticed this myself. Its a upphill
gonna be a rough one for sure
It's a tough battle but you can see that we have the community support
We will win in the long run but our whole community of lions needs to come together
We're all in this together, and it's important to support each other. Let's use our collective strength and determination to overcome any challenges we may encounter. I believe in our community and know that we can succeed if work together.
man up ya ll, the battle is just getting started