
Ads hit different when you know you're benefiting from them a bit.

It's like...Where has this model been all my life??? lol

Loving it!

Lol! Got that. They have been down days ago.

This is just a new way of looking at advertising. I actually WANT to be advertised to!!! lol

Haha good! We want those revenues.

Perfect timing, @jongo

I am listening to the AMA replay, and @khal just mentioned it.

Shields down captain!

#ctp #threadsforever

Urgh I wish I grabbed that account name lol

Yessir, shields down!!!

Bring on the ads! Throw them at me like tomatoes at a drunk rocker stumbling on stage.

Yessir! That's all I want...More ads lol

Static image will have to do:

ha ha ha ha that's epic!!!

Yes, shields down!!!!!

I was trying to find a GIF of the Endor shield generation explosion to post here, but it either doesn't exist or I failed to search well enough. Then I was going to make it but my Mac isn't set up to do that easily yet.