
Well, I try to give a good vote value to comments that make sense or genuine comments, but when I notice that my vote value at 15% or 20% weight gives nothing, I either leave it to charge or give a like at 5% with or without a reply and wish I could give more.

I'm growing my HP and LP and I can't wait to upvote at a lower weight like 5%-10% weight for a good vote value to be able to spread it around to those who are active here.

Greetings jongo.

I try my best to. Usually make it happen. Unless it feels spammy.

yeah same here. 'i like it dear ser' wont get much traction with me lol

Try to anyway.

me too for sure, just want to make sure people know i appreciate their replies

I joke about being a reply guy and I know reply guys annoy people, but if I can make one persons day better then I have won the internet. 🤣

absolutely. just makes people feel like their opinion and comments matter. goes a long way in building community!

Depends on the quality of the comment, to be honest

thats a good point for sure! the 'thumbs up' ones are hard to upvote lol

I have to analyze the quality of the comment and whether it adds value.