
Worth the vote, I'll drop mine. Of course, I shall demand bribes...

We pay all brides in feet pics.

Is there any other way? Better unit of exchange than HBD.

A crap medium of exchange, we admit. But the speculation potential is huge.

Could be life changing money.

The only way to get in on it is to put your foot in the door.

Make sure to pay the grooms as well, though.

Appreciate you, thank you!!

It was earned, man. You guys genuinely give a crap about the blockchain's success.

I truly believe, it's all our future! Every single person who believes in this chain, will win in the long run!

I'll keep my fingers crossed just enough to still maintain full productivity.

thank you ser

Voted for it yesterday :)

Voted. I think ... I saw something about "bribes" posted around sumwhere.. ..will leave my wallet open just in case. :)