
It is not the first revenue share in social media. YouTube has done it for years. You may argue that YT isnt a social media site but make no mistake it is. Users interact with each other in a social way in order to keep eyeballs on the ads. It is just like every other social media site.

I would argue that it is the exact opposite of pure Web3. One of the basic fundamentals of Web3 is to cut out the middleman. Consumers purchase content directly from the creator. You own your content and you own your audience.
Not to mention that to serve ads means there is most likely an ad server somewhere ran by an ad agency, on an untrustworthy AWS or Google server/datacenter that is collecting some kind of stats to track said ads. Which is also another violation of a basic fundamental of Web3, privacy.

If the ads stay on Threads and are not shown on other front ends I have no problem with it. People can choose to not go there.
But it is NOT Web3. If we want real Web3 we need to think about other ways that doesnt include repackaging ye ole advertising models thats been used for 100 yrs or more into new shiny packages and pretending it's something "ground breaking and new". You can take crap out of a paper bag and put into plastic bag and call it "new" all you want.
It's still going to be crap in a bag.

If it does anything it will create a nice little inflated bubble that will eventually burst and it will be another thing the outside world will point at and say "See! Web3 wont work!!"
I guess I'm just frustrated with the way people are pushing the terms Web3. When you get down to it. Advertising is what gave us Web2. Do we really want to cram it into Web3? It is what caused us to run from Web2. It started all the privacy invasion, centralization, data harvesting, social engineering, governmental controls, etc.
Lets not start Web3 by doing the exact same thing.
We can do better. We have the best minds and the best devs in the world. We are Hive after all. Our children deserve better than Web2.5. Which is what ad's on Web3 is.

YouTube shares a tiny fraction of the revenue.

With leofinance all will be shared. The higher your ownership, the higher your earnings. This van only be done in a decentralized system

You do come across as frustrated indeed, also with an opinion without too much knowledge about the way leofinance has set this up.

The ads are on all leofinance websites, including threads. The revenue is shared 100% with those that have Leo powered up.

This is not the main income obviously. Most of that comes from upvotes. However it is a nice additional income stream.

I get what you are saying. But advertising is what created web2 and all the tracking, privacy invasion, data collecting and loss of freedoms. Advertising is not a Web3 principle and should not be crammed into it. Advertising has been used for over 100 years and never changed. Web3 is supposed to be different. Ads just makes it Web2.5. It's not Web3.
Ads will be the reason why Web3 will never be adopted by the general public.

I think you’re right on saying that this is web 2.5. Now that I think of it, a lot off things that leofinance is doing/building has both web2 and web3 characteristics.

Now you see my point.
It's the principles that we should not be willing to sacrifice for a little momentary monetary gain.
It's the principles that will take Web3 to the moon and back. But if we sacrifice any single principle it will ultimately crash the rocket on lift off.

Like the entire ETH ecosystem 😜

I do think the 3speak ecosystem will be absolutely key for hive.

You mean the Spk Network. 3Speak will be just a community running on Spk Network.

And yes it will be a key player in, not just the future of Hive, but Web3 as a whole.
But we can do Web3 now if we stick to the principles and kick out the old ideas of internet standards.
The Web3 of tomorrow like Spk is doing a whole new foundation that will solidify the principles and turn those principles into the internet standards of Web3. An OEM of Web3 if you want to call it that.