How To Maintain A Healthy Vote Weight & Voting Power (1)

in LeoFinance2 years ago


First of all, I haven't found a way to do this. Voting Power and vote weight are two different things entirely.

The first is the vote you can give out, depending on the stake you have, and the second one is how valuable your vote is, as determined by the percentage of vote you have at your disposal.

So maybe before you finish reading this post, you might have discovered an intuitive way to maintain yours. In recent times keeping my voting power above 85% for more than 24 hours has been impossible.

The earliest tactic I employed to combat this was reducing the percentage of vote I offered the users in my auto vote, this worked for a while, but with the influx of new users what I do is to spread the remaining percentage to the new users.

This means that I've spent the voting parentage I should have reserved which has unknowingly brought back the problem to the surface again

The second tactic was sticking to a certain measurement of vote. There are authors I offer 25%, some 30%, and 50 to 80% for others.

I maintained whole numbers to make my calculation simpler. But then, I maintained stability for some sometimes, and after a while, I began to offer votes in odd numbers, because I always have a problem with ascertaining what's quality, especially when I didn't want to go too high or go too low.

There are unusual scenarios when I go on a rampage of manual curation, and forget that I'm targeting a certain number as the limit for curation whether it's automated or manual.

Firstly I set 70% as the voting limit.

When I hit this Mark, I stop my auto and manual curation for over 12 hours or more. Hoping I could get back to that 80% range, but the problem with waiting till I hit 70% is that I end up slipping to 68 or 69% especially when I do a last-ditch vote that I deem necessary.

So I changed it to 78% immediately, so when my voting power hits 78% I stopped my auto and just ease a bit on manual curation.

The only way I manually curate at 78% is if the post was really good, or the engagement was really nice, or maybe it's been a while since the author posted. This makes me compromise and choose to give a manual vote even at 78%.

Author's behavior sometimes acts as a cushion

...and while this is a good thing, it mostly destabilizes my voting habit and forces me to lose control.

Now, it's a great thing when the author/user decides to change their posting or content habits, it often shifts or tilts voting behavior to some certain level of change, especially in manual curation.

This is healthy for the chain and creates the need for change however, I always end up failing to hit my target of getting to 90% voting power. In fact, in over one year, I've not had my voting power at 90% and sometimes I think this isn't healthy.

Nevertheless, I don't think there's any metric to measure the health of one's voting power.

It's believed that above 90% is the magic figure

A lot of curators like to maintain their vote weight by staying above 90% but that's because even 7% of their weight is substantial, big enough to give a voting depth that would represent the curator's opinion on the content.

Whether it's "fair, good, very good, excellent" or "wow". But having a small stake sometimes makes it difficult for a stake owner to truly reflect their thoughts.

For example, a manual downvoter or a manual upvoter are always having reflective reasons as to why they do what they do.

A Vindictive User

Sometimes a vindictive downvoter gives 100% and even employs the stake of others who might or might not agree with his reasons for downvotes, but then, this is the downside of being an absent curator, when you're absent, a vindictive person might use your stake to enact their nefarious agenda.

This is the same with upvotes. But the main reason why I'm using this as a vivid example is that. Having a good stake can reflect the true thoughts of a person behind a slider.

However, this isn't the case with having a small stake. It's just like when a 5k HP account is voting and a 100k HP account is, the difference is huge, and having the latter truly reflects who a curator is.

The Curation Game

The depth in vote weight would mean that the latter would have the luxury of keeping their voting power above 90% even if the handler of the two accounts are over-curators.

We cannot deny that curation is a beautiful game, it's easy to get caught up in the razzmatazz of choosing what to curate when to curate, and the percentage of vote percent that you're going to allocate.

What I've discovered is that being constant on the chain can help one maintain a very healthy APR. I average 9.15 APR according to and the reason why I don't really care about it is that I care more about curating than maximizing the returns.

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The voting challenges are real lol. I’m a bit more conservative on it though and have my autos set for much smaller numbers, likely because my stake isn’t strong enough in my eyes to be dishing out 50% votes and have it mean what I would like it to. I know it’s not really a bad stake but there’s always that mindset of “I want it to be more” thing.

These days I usually don’t go over 25% for my votes and it allows me to spread them out far and wide which is good. It’s going to be a lot more fun in like 10-15k more hive power when those lower votes end up meaning a lot more than they do now but nearing 28k HP, it’s still pretty darn good considering!

My threshold is a lot higher than yours though lol it’s at 87% I think where I turn off my auto. I feel better sitting around 90-95% that way the vote is overall stronger but I know this is likely just an odd thing I do, seeing most others with a good stake using their voting power down to the 80’s every day.

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You're right. As for me, I occasionally give out 50 to 100% sometimes. But what mostly spends my voting power is manual curation. I'm never satisfied with my manual curation and sometimes I go on endless voting spree. If I can have an additional 50k HP. I think I might be decent. Turning your auto off at 87% is really decent. I turn mine off at 75%. That's the lowest I can ever go. However, anyone can use their voting power as they deem fit. I think I'll try to copy you, but then I don't know if 95% is achieveable for me, unless I stay off the chain for two days or more

Haha I try to stay within 15% per vote or less on stuff unless it’s really good. I’ve given out one or two 50%’s lately but then I get a big hit to the voting power lol so I try to not do that.

I have it set to 10% as my default post vote and 7% for comments. When I get up to 30k I’ll bring the comment vote down to 5% so that I can factor in more quantities of votes. I may even lower my post votes to 8% or so. It’s only worth .06¢ at the 10% which isn’t horrible but it adds up! Plus with the 2nd layer community tags like neoxian and others, that stake ends up being quite a bit which is good!

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It's hard to really manage everything but I try to keep my vote weights about the same. I make sure this amount is greater than the dust threshold because having a post/comment dusted is annoying. Of course, if they get downvotes, it might not be able to do anything but I do think it's enough to reward both the author and me. I try to keep my voting power around 80% or so if I can. I can drain it 10% more depending on how much I pay attention but I try not to lower it further than that.

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80% is a decent threshold tbh, but you seem to be doing a really good job with it. I have tried a lot of ways to keep it sharp and decent, but I guess I'm an over-curator to an extent.

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Being consistent on Hive helps matters and I have been trying to top up my game on that, though it isn't looking good now.

I vote for posts that I see have quality. Well written. I find reading those posts intriguing and my voting power is usually 82 to 70-something percent before I let it off. This is a bad habit, I guess. I don't have much HP

Everyone can control their vote as the deem fit. One thing about hive is that people are allowed to be subjective in almost everything they do, especially with curation. Well your aim might be to strive for more HP

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Yes, it is and I am doing that. Powering up some little Hive to help increase it.

That's the best, I don't know it you've hit 500 HP, but it you have, that's when it becomes decisive. The vote slider sets in

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Yes, I have. What's a vote slider? Ermm sorry for the disturb.

The slide that pops up whenever you want to cast a vote

Oh, dumb question. Sorry😅. Thanks for the response.

This has always been one of my challenges too but yest till, I try to maintain at 90% or at least 87% if I later some contents irresistible to pass by.
Sometimes, I find myself on voting rampage as well and end up at 85%. This usually take time to refill back to my upvote mana threshold which I often leave at 96% or thereabout.

Yours is absolutely healthy. This way, you get the full power of your vote weight. It's quite challenging though. Making decisions with percentage. What to give and what not to give.

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I looked into this a while back and even though my curation APR is good according to hivestats, I am in the same problem with keeping my voting power above 80%, and one of the reasons is as one's circle expands more is expected from voting power. I wonder if we will ever get a better way to manage our curations.

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I think the best way to manage it, is to own more hive power. Like you said, when one's circle expands, it means you'll have to spend more hive power which automatically affects your plans to keep it above 80%

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Those of us with with lower HP (3k), should we also put all these into consideration?🤦
I follow two trail, I curate manually too and most times I see my voting manner at 68% or even less... I haven't seen my voting manna in. 80% for a long time..looks like I need to sit down and do some mathematics

I think provided you have a vote slider, you're susceptible to manage your voting power. Although having more hive power helps you manage your voting power very much, it's also important for smaller accounts to also know how to manage their VP very well. 80 and above is decent, below 70 is really poor, although this is subjective.

Wow..noted with thanks 👍

I have been same issue trying to keep my voting power around 80 but recently it has even gotten worst because is mostly around 70% I will work on that to have a healthy curating habit

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Because you love being a curator. It's difficult to keep your VP over 80%, I've tried that and it hasn't worked for me. I'll keep trying. One thing is more and more accounts are there to be curated on a daily

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This is a great and informative read. I didn't understand much about the voting mechanism like the voting power and why it should be kept high at 80 or 90%. I think it's good that while it is a subjective matter there's also a general view about it.

Well the mechanism starts to make sense when you hit 500 HP. This is when you get the percentage voting slider. When you eventually do, you'll begin to calculate your vote usage so as not to be wastage

Right. That's when things can be put into perspective and optimized on.

I’m a much smaller stake holder than you, and my vote is dust compared to yours. Lol

But I like to keep my autothreshold at 80%. Like you though, I still find myself manually draining it to around 76% sometimes because once I find really good content even when my vote is already at the threshold, I can’t resist hitting upvote. And my very big problem is that I almost always vote with 100% since my voting power is already small even for a 100% vote.

I don’t have a fix that works either, and I don’t think I can suggest anything you already don’t know. I guess it’s just about discipline of choosing to not curate irrespective of situations once your voting power goes below a certain threshold.

No one can resist hitting "upvote from time to time" it shows that you're actually very active in my opinion. People who aren't active does not need to worry. But well, having a vote slider, whether your state is small still means you get to make tough decisions about who gets your vote and who doesn't. For me I like to keep it above 75% so that my vote weight can still be as solid as ever. Not to worry, no one ever finds a balance for these things.

Do you have any solution for me?

This topic is very important to me. I prefer auto voting and does not have enough voting power and weight. I found out that my percentage keeps decreasing more while I still saw good posts to be curated.

Having a smaller stake means more strain on voting power because the vote weight is equally very small.

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You are right. How can I balanced it?

Consistency help in improving your vote power
I would have prefer voting high on post if my vote value is a bit high@joaediccus

I got to know about this early this year when someone advised I make sure my voting power stays above 75-80% because it affects my weight too and since then, I don´t think I have ever been above that except below 70% and this is because I follow a lot of curation trails because of the belief that I will get higher curation rewards. Lol
I had to go check my and unfollowed some because I assume it is what keeps draining my voting power even when my power on posts is sometimes at 25% and 50% and rarely do I give 100%.

I think this method I did tonight will help boost my voting power so my weight can have a meaningful value on posts.