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RE: Selling Innovative Dreams; The Reason Why The World Is Filled With Monopolists

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Well, In reality, I've seen people who have entered into contracts not binding, not legal, not lawful, because someone is offering to help them build their dream, finance it and get it running. Not everyone can raise capitals, (if you've seen some terrible systems you'd understand what I mean) They see the future, but they don't consider the fact that they're getting into a contract where they'll be exploited, it boils down to many not have the right financial education as this isn't taught in school.
This is the main point in this video, and not the point you're raising. I try to use Nigeria as a case study but I have friends in places like Botswana where this happens as well.

You" in context of promoting shitcoin
shouldn't be definitive as I haven't promoted one before, unless you say Hive is a shitcoin.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It depends, people's ignorance of the laws that govern them isn't an excuse, in certain regards verbal agreements are legally binding.

Now you're talking about fraud or duress, that is completely different and these are criminal offenses, and cannot be conflated with agreements.