Energy As A Shared Value; AI, EV Charging, Energy Communities, Energy Tracking, and Blockchain operate as one unified ecosystem.

in LeoFinance3 months ago

With the global renewable energy market valued at USD 1085.0 billion in 2024 ( according to Research) and with anticipation that it would skyrocket to USD 1101.27 billion in 2025, you would agree with me that the renewable energy market is getting the attraction it deserves.

There is thus a need to improve the energy market, making it decentralized and sustainable, by integrating Artificial intelligence and Blockchain.
This would then revolutionize the energy sector as a whole making it decentralized, Smarter, sustainable, community-driven, and rewarding for all parties ( energy producers and consumers )

Imagine a unified ecosystem comprising Energy Communities, AI, and DEPIN. Such an ecosystem is enriched with all the tools that would promote a sustainable and greener energy ecosystem. EV charging and energy tracking would become smarter and more accessible.

Chain4Energy is leading this journey of presenting Energy as a Shared value.

What is Chain4Energy Ecosystem about?

C4E is an integrated energy ecosystem blending blockchain, AI, IoT, and DePIN technologies, to transform energy production, consumption, and management through key platforms such as Platform for Energy Communities (DeEC), C4E EV Charging (ChargEra), Smart Home & City Integration (DeTrack).

The platform has shown this commitment towards transforming the energy sector while promoting renewable energy. Just in 2024, a total of 6,500 MWh of green energy was processed so far, valued at an impressive €1.89M! and achieved through the Decentralized Energy Communities Platform (#DeEC) and from EV chargers connected to the network.

How is Chain4Energy Working Towards Presenting Energy As A Shared Value?

Last week, the project announced that its products will now be powered by FetchAI’s cutting-edge Autonomous AI Agents & technology! Confirmed during the Berlin Fetch_ai Foundation meeting. With Chain4Energy being DePIN L1 Blockchain, the puzzle is now completed and the journey towards making energy a Shared Value for Everyone, by Everyone, has begun.