Some birds where perching on the trees round his house and the song there are singing really entertained him check his post for more.#gosh
Some birds where perching on the trees round his house and the song there are singing really entertained him check his post for more.#gosh
Nature has much to offer us
And just like the author rightly said, bird's makes wonderful sounds that we love and appreciate.
All thanks the creator of all these things in nature
Its beautiful to hear birds sing and fly around. When I see that, it reminds me of the many beautiful things that God created, proving his love, wisdom and power in nature. I love watching parrots.
Just like rocksg I love watching birds as they fly around the place am leaving atimes I do attempt catching them which I know is impossible
Birds have Wonderful voices. Sometimes, I do jealous their tone. I wish I have entertaining voice like theirs
Yes birds can sing and that's one of the way they praise God ,I feel like dancing to their songs