
He mentioned in his post some birds that can hunt and how they catches their preys, see below and write your observation.#gosh

Eagle is one of the strongest birds i know and it hunts other birds too. It even hunts chicks and devours them. Feels sad when i see one chick lifted off the ground and into the sky by an eagle.

I think all birds can hunt because that's the only way they get to feed themselves and the newborns

There is a bird called vulture. It preys on decomposing fleshes. It helps to clean up the earth surface.

Birds have extraordinary creatures. Imagine having the ability to fly so high in the sky, not all animals have that. They are also very smart and intelligent. If you aren't smart, you can't catch a bird at all.


Wow. This is really great and good to hear.

I don't of just bird. Although generally I don't know about birds.

I do wonder why birds sings so nicely. Who taught them how to sing?

Since childhood, I have learn a lot about birds, and from the little knowledge I have, honestly, I don't see or look at them as minor. Why? They're guided by instincts and also have a kind of ability that we human lacks. I really love

I'm gonna check out the post, seems like it's gonna be an interesting read

Birds by default are extraordinary in their design, Just try to imagine the way their wings function.

As I grow older I notice them more. They are pretty amazing. We have a lot of sand hill cranes where I live.