DO you love a clean environment? what about your home where you live ,do you allow it to take care of itself or do you make out time no matter how busy you are to make it a home @home.solution said this .#threads247.
DO you love a clean environment? what about your home where you live ,do you allow it to take care of itself or do you make out time no matter how busy you are to make it a home @home.solution said this .#threads247.
I've taken it upon myself to pick up all the dog shit that people leave at the 2 parks outside my apartment.
It's so demoralising when I pick it all up in the afternoon, then go out the next morning to find the park covered in shit again.
not all heroes wear capes
If I just stop Threading one day, it's because I've confronted a psychopath for not picking up his dog's shit, who has punched me in the face.
...Silver lining, these loonies don't have guns here I guess ;)
i figured as such. i will wire bail money across the pond. just ping me when you're being detained. fuck those ass holes.
side note as you said... no one can shoot you, so that's a plus. here, that would be the first reaction.
Some tips was shared on what one should do I order to make his or her home a leaving place see more on this post.#gosh
When you clean your environment it helps to increase good health, fresh air and good ventilation, and it's very good to have a routine on cleaning
Many people are ignorant to this , looks like dirty environment give them good health instead of bad one (hahaha)
Careful examination of our homes is very important and cleaning them is very healthful. A nice place breeds good life.
Our home should be the most condulsive environment where we come back each day to relax and feel comfortable. My basic rule here is that the home should be neat. I will check out the post to learn more.
Thanks for sharing this I love cleaning my house and also keeping it clean, this tip's will really help me
Obviously this is the community that they live in if they're walking their dog here.
Yet they're just happy to leave it filthy.
People are just the worst man...
people are absolutely the worst.
(Thank you for letting me vent haha)
You are welcome hahaha
Home and surrounding does not take good care of itself but our effort makes it clean and neat. There are good reasons to do so. Its for our health
yeah, we have to do out part.
Thats right and smartly.
You just summarize it bro lol
i wish more people were conscious of their effects on the environment
I believe orientation can help
tips on what one can do inorder to make his/ her home a living g place is given, check the post to read more.#gosh