A financial tip I do not forget

in LeoFinance3 years ago

We all have those moments when finances are not going the best way, and it is normal, we are human, the market in general is volatile, you get fired, or the pandemic appears, in my case having to leave my country involved big changes, and not exactly for the better, at least not the first few months, however, everything can be improved and solved.

There comes a time when someone can give you some advice, that many times you are not asking for, and probably you will not see it at the moment, but it can be the generator of a great change in your life. About 3 years ago I started trading, but at the beginning I did not have any success, I must say that I was very disappointed, however, I did not stop studying.


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After a few months, through a friend I managed to get to some free classes, I said to myself, well, let's see what I can learn from there, because free is not always very good. With this in mind I started studying Forex. The first classes talked about what PIPs were, what affected the market, what role central banks played in the management of the price, types of Brockers, in short, I spent a couple of weeks and already had a better vision of the matter, which made me change my mentality in this aspect, I no longer thought the same as at the beginning.

It was then that I started to watch classes on how to Use Trading View to analyze the market, and the reality is that from that moment everything started to make more sense, they taught me a good strategy, I must say, but not only that, but then they gave us several options and little by little they gave us tools to create my own strategy. I improved a lot, but still, I was still not profitable, not at least not as I expected.

But one day, the main trader, who was the creator of that training school, a 22 year old young man, who had gone from starting with a $100 account to having a $45k account in less than 4 months, gave us a class that changed everything for me, I'm not talking about risk management, and from that moment I can say that the vision I have when making a decision is totally different.



Basically his advice was:

Establish the strategy with which you feel comfortable, adjust it to such a point that allows you to feel safe, but not so much, to be completely confident is not good, and once you establish it, RESPECT IT. This is what will allow your psychology not to be affected at the moment of performing your operations ".

They are not textual words, but in essence it is there. What helped me not only to keep this in trading, but to apply it to everything in life, because definitely, knowing how to set strategies is the first step to succeed in finance. The times I have gone off my plan, I have not done well at all, so I can say that this advice has been transcendental.

Have you been given any advice that has helped you progress? You can share it in the comments.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


A very wise young man. Yes a company that I worked for had core values and the one that stood out most to me was "Take constant care" If applied to anything of value, constant care can swing things around.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Constant care, that's fine, it applies to everything we do. Good input, thank you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Experience speaks..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta