HIVE member indeed. He has a long history of milking rewards and manipulation that I and others have directly observed, and he has be 'treated this way' in the past for it and openly atoned for his actions. I thought he had changed his ways as I suspect others had as well, but he had only changed his tactics. He hasn't been on anyone's radar for months, which I believe is why the response was so strong and swift. People felt betrayed.
Those are fair enough questions, don't you think? Wouldn't you like to know before playing?
With all due respect, as a sovereign entity and stakeholder here, why do I owe you any explanation or proof? Why do you feel entitled to them? I am merely acting within the constraints of the system as is my right, as you've implied he has. Why do rights only flow in a single direction for you?
Of course, as you know, 'the rules are capricious and we make them up as we go according to how we feel and who's on the recieving end' answer won't get many new players.
I agree, community governance can be capricious. It's an attention economy. Who receives attention (reward or otherwise) at any given time can be capricious.
Because you, and your friends, are acting like god. Okay, let's just say HIVE Gods. lol
In case you haven't heard, in free and open societies, the burden of proof is the accuser's responsibility. You only get to be judge, jury and executioner without proof in China.
Think about it. Think about how you got to the point where you asked me that question.
Doesn't jibe at all with things we've talked about in the past. Great experience for you though - it's a very short and slippery distance from one side of the divide to the other. It also serves as a reflection point: now you can more easily put yourself in their shoes.
Cheers, and take care.
The proof has been shared. He has multiple accounts he upvotes himself with. Perhaps that's okay in your opinion, more power to you. Opinions here are shared with votes. If the ledger was weighted towards your opinion, obviously his posts would have a non-zero payout. You happen to fall into the minority. This is the system within which you exist. As I've said, the good news is it's voluntary. Would I be sad to see you go? Yes. On some level I'm disappointed to see @jrcornel go too.
As far as @jrcornel is concerned, if the message was received loud and clear and he stopped self-voting multiple alts, he would go back to not existing in my eyes. But my vote is what, 3 bucks.
As it stands HIVE is barely a single digit percent of my crypto portfolio and creates a disproportionate amount of drama. I think it's sad and pathetic for people with significant stake to go through so much effort to suck rewards away from the pool at the expense of everyone else.