
Lots of legends, but mostly in their own minds! :-P

I don't think it's that, it's more the holding of power. These people love discussion but can't act, nor can they take criticism. They are meant to be maintainers of the blockchain, taking in feedback from the community and acting. They can't do either. They can talk and discuss change but can't implement it. And if you point that out then what you get is a kick in the teeth with the argument of "I'm working for free, this is a decentralised blockchain."

Well, they're the ones choosing to maintain it and hold power over it. Don't like the expectations? They could simply let someone else take over. Being a witness should have actual standards expected of you, not just stick to your own little project and never take into consideration the fact that you're in charge of the chain and everyone's looking at you to listen and lead. Witnesses should be coming together as one to create marketing plans, finding budgets, producing the concepts to the community. We shouldn't have to have individuals practically begging in proposals for marketing funds.

LMFAO "Lots of legends, but mostly in their own minds"😂 I agree! We need better people for sure that are better at raising an entourage and creating content than any of us for sure. Don't get me wrong I like the wholesome content but yes it needs help on occasion some things are a little stale.

@namiks witnesses should be held to a minimum standard and that's why we get to vote them in or out, because the community is small it limits the talent available so the competition may not be as high as it was lets say in 2017. At the same time there is probably more to do than meets the eye, they all have lives, families and jobs outside of here and hive probably isn't their main source of income. As far as marketing, that shouldn't be added to the backs of devs and witnesses, it should be a team with actual marketing experience dedicated to that specific task.

Just like proposals, witnesses only need a few big friends to stay in power. A majority not voting them is not enough. Then, unlike the newer proposals, all the votes from steem carried over to hive, whether or not the users did, so there's also an unfair advantage. @blocktrades is working on this, but it isn't good enough. It still allows for too much complacency for the average user in the governance side of Hive.

Agreed, I hope the aging out of witness votes occurs sooner than later. There are flat out scumbags from the steem days with millions of HP voting them.

As far as marketing, that shouldn't be added to the backs of devs and witnesses, it should be a team with actual marketing experience dedicated to that specific task.

Well that sure didn't work with Steemit Inc, did it?

witnesses should be held to a minimum standard

They're the backbone of this blockchain and certainly should be held to a higher standard. Take a glance at similar DPoS/PoS chains with similar concepts to witnesses. The standards are very high. We have proposals for a reason: to get things funded, which brings me to the next part of your reply...

they all have lives, families and jobs outside of here and hive probably isn't their main source of income

Again, they know what they're getting into. And on top of that, it isn't the rate of action that people are frustrated with, it's the complete inaction entirely. They seem completely uninterested with actually listening to what anyone says, let alone having the community actually vote for change. But once again, we have proposals to fund these things. We have money to actually spend on developers that could build things the community requests, but are we doing that? Nope. Is there a reason? None that makes any sense.

It didn't work with steemit because they hired degenerates. Hire a quality firm and you wouldn't get a debacle like that. Bandfield's face takes the credibility out of anything for me.

I understand what you are saying with other chains and all of that plus I agree they don't listen to the community much. I get what you are saying just I'm not a dev so I can't really say what it requires or anything but there is no point constantly being negative about it, when it annoys me enough, I'll do like the rest and vacate I guess. Til then ride the waves? It does make it un-attractive to investors when development is stale and so is the community's slow bleed. We can all agree that we need new blood and witnesses to lead by example.