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RE: Even with the drop today, Bitcoin still on pace to hit $100k by the Summer

in LeoFinance4 years ago

If "they" don't let you have your own money, not sure how exactly you think they are going to let you have altcoins... irregardless going down your rabbit hole, how exactly does an economy operate if no one has their own money?


universal basic income and 500 million slaves

i'm not saying this will all happen but that is part of the plan... it is literally on their website and carved on a stone..

now who owns bitcoin? only go there when you are ready!

only a non approved alt coin can work around this control.

even if you think i'm an idiot, take note that im certainly not the only person saying this stuff... just because you don't see it on hive doesn't been it isn't being researched

Oh no I know you are not the only person saying it, and I don't think you are idiot at all. I just don't buy it happening, at certainly not withing the next decade. Though if everyone is given a basic income and allowed to just live, that doesn't sound too bad actually. I think I saw that future in the movie The Time Machine...

that is a truly scary reply!

given that i would die to avoid that outcome, not too bad is not a sentiment i relate to.

If you've ever seen the movie The Time Machine, you would know it was said in jest...

On that note though, a future that involves UBI is all but inevitable. Technology is advancing at a far faster rate than new job creation. We have an increasing population with fewer and fewer jobs in relative percentage terms.