Gold is considered a safety reserve material, as it offers effective protection against fluctuations in the dollar, even the main most quoted cryptocurrencies.
Due to the uncertainty caused by this global pandemic crisis, Wall Street's major shareholders have found their refuge in this traditionally valuable mineral. For this reason, central banks have increased their reserves in recent months, causing world gold reserves to have increased by 145 tons throughout this period.
If it is true that it is one of the assets that best resists the passage of time, and that it has accompanied Humanity practically throughout history, as occurs in any type of investment, gold is not without risk and volatility. Despite this, it is still perhaps the best investment alternative that exists since before the birth of the era of modern man.
According to most analysts, due to a slowdown in the global economy, a prolonged period of uncertainty has emerged, in which most analysts agree that there is a slowdown in the global economy. This is an ideal scenario for the strength of this precious material to act as a counterweight to other investments, which has led enthusiasts to diversify their portfolio, as it has been shown to efficiently improve profitability.
To invest in gold, you do not necessarily have to have a large capital.
A 2.5 gram sheet can cost just over 100 euros, although investors with greater capacity could buy a one kilogram ingot for an approximate price of 38,700 euros. The most important thing is to select a suitable place that offers all the guarantees and that comply with the Good Delivery standards, ensure quality and purity.
Including gold in our portfolios is sometimes not as easy as it seems, since it often takes a lot of effort to find the necessary information, due to a large number of products on the market and the myriad of misleading offers make decision-making difficult.
Certificates, Futures, Warrants, ETCs, CFDs among many others, would be some of the investment options in gold depending on what our purpose is. Some instruments facilitate short-term speculation, while others are designed for long-term investment.
There are online stores that allow the purchase of physical gold. In Europe there are agencies like El Dorado Coins.
Buying physical gold also carries storage security risks. In case of trips and changes of residence, transporting gold also results in additional risks.
The best way to invest in gold is to buy physical gold, as this way we will have total control over what we own. A risk that continues to exist, since storing gold with banks and other financial institutions carries the implicit risk of operating with centralized institutions and their policies, which could "freeze our assets at any given time. Particularly in countries like Venezuela, this implies a great risk due to the prevailing political instability and the abusive character of its rulers.


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