Argentina, the new beacon of the world?

in LeoFinance11 months ago

Libertarian candidate Javier Milei won the presidential elections of the Republic of Argentina on November 19 with 55% of the electorate, and will take office on December 10, 2023.

Among the reforms proposed by the libertarian, market opening, labor system reforms, free competition of currencies, etc. The most attractive for savers and investors is the free competition of currencies and that is where Bitcoin comes in, what we are all waiting for, it could be a great opportunity for Bitcoin and ETH as it would give the possibility to trade freely in the crypto world.

Years ago Javier Milei had already declared himself in favor of cryptocurrencies, especially BTC.

It is estimated that Argentina is one of the countries with the largest amount of money in the crypto world, estimated at 50 billion dollars. By adopting the free circulation of coins, there is a possibility that part of that money will return to Argentina to be big again. Great success for Argentina.
Long fucking live freedom!