You are absolutely right Mr @tarazkp.
Things that expect perfection in a system. Because every system has an interest. Fulfilling the interests of a system is done openly and some are shy, hiding their interests so that they are not read. Both with their respective goals for the achievement of interests.
In my mind, every system in its time will change looking for a new format, for the sake of a change for the better, for example a decentralized system. It has become mainstream which is believed to be a better system, for now.
But, when compared to any system, then the natural system that existed at any time would be the best, as you have said. Natural law always applies and cannot be avoided, it is free of interest. natural selection will choose which one will be the best according to their respective times.
Every system has to change, as the conditions change around it. Even if there was a perfect system today, all of the other changing dynamics will make it less perfect over time, until eventually, it becomes harmful or totally irrelevant.