Social media platforms thrive because of their users. It would be great if these platforms could find ways to give back to their users for their contributions. While some platforms do offer certain benefits, there's no doubt that the requirements to access them can sometimes be challenging. It would be wonderful if there were more user-friendly and accessible ways for platforms to show appreciation to their users.
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I feel like these measures are put in place because they can not reward every user. That can't be a good business strategy and it sure won't last in the long run
They ask pay me so I can pay you a portion of it for making me money" no sense. Like X, they will take my money but even if I were to fulfill the requirements to get my rewards, they won't pay to my country, so we are good enough to pay them but not for they to pay us
Although many of us agree with this, putting it into practice is extremely complicated. Just as in real life, there is monopoly, ambition, the desire to recover the invested capital, etc. There is not always fairness when it comes to money
I agree with you on the last part. There's not always fairness when it comes to money. It is complicated.
You are absolutely on point, without the users I dont think these platforms can function properly, it would be great if these platforms can give back to the users for their contributions, and as you said some do offer some benefits, noice