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RE: Power up or Power Off?

in LeoFinance6 months ago

It has two faces always if you ask me. Yeah I do appreciate it a LOT more if someone is doing more towards the system and keeping it all circular (for the buy a hivefest ticket with hive kind of thing) and that is then again also the cool part about the power of manual votes. We can choose who can give them to. Not liking the vibe on someone? Then they aint getting the vote.

But then again, if one makes an awesome post post with a cool story and awesome shots, puts a lot of work in there and cashes that out. Who am I to judge on it. It was also again about the quality of the post where it all started with blogging and we also shouldn't forget that entirely. (the politics)

For me it is still about human interaction, people you can relate to and the fun of reading others stuff and seeing cool pics. Ofcourse it shouldn't be about milking the system totally, don't get me wrong. But when one decides to use the funds otherwise....I cant always judge

Just my 2 cents (literally ;)))))) )


Always good to hear multiple views. Like you said there are certainly some who are in a grey area and contribute to the platform in multiple ways. I'll still be voting for those folks, (but keeping an eye on them, lol). I may vote less for them until I make up my mind, and will likely stop voting their "borderline" posts that I used to in order to help support and grow them, (why should I help them grow if they don't care to grow themselves?) I will definitely be more choosy about voting their exceptional posts only. But some others are blatantly obvious about it. providing little to no value other than a pretty pic or quick garbage or near garbage post, then reaping immediate rewards from it, and just draining from the HIVE pool. They are free to keep doing that if they want, some I may keep following, some I may not, but they will not be getting my votes unless they are providing value to HIVE rather than "just" draining it. To your point, they are called "rewards" for a reason. Earned, not entitled.

Thats true....and that is cool that there is a choice for us all who we want to vote.

Ps love the solar factory. Looks familiar.. enphase?

Yes, it's enphase, I did a longer write up on it a month or so ago when it was installed. After tomorrow I should have my first full month's worth of reporting to share and will do a longer writeup. Looking forward to hearing how your Hivefest visit goes as well.