I don't talk about crypto that much with my friends. Maybe I should have done this more in the previous days, but it always felt like talking against brick walls. Maybe because even though bitcoin is rallying so much, slurping the alts in there now they would want to hear something, but before this rally this was all too abstract for most people.
So this is a...how was you experience with this over the last couple of years?
Every now and then I have tried to through up a little ball on that I am interested in crypto and people would respond more than mildly enthoustic. Even though my wallet is only about small amounts, in the end the profits are ways better than the 'traditional' stocks, so how the potential is missed every time...I dunno. Here is the sweet range of potential replies I have had had over the years.
Crypto? I didn't know you were such a nerd
You blog for crypto...wait..You? Blogging? Why put stuff online without getting anything back for it.
Bitcoin? That is only used for buying drugs in anonymous transactions. Dude...are you on drugs? Are you okay?
Crypto? That is so unreliable, you might as well be dumping your money in a casino
Ahhhh, you live in Switzerland and are into crypto. Either you have a shady business or you are rich as fuck.
Needless to say...the majority of the reactions wasn't all too hopefull

The thing is this. I blog for my crypto and have only bought some small amounts here or there. This makes this is only an investment of my time, and not so much one that can bankrupt me.
Seeing people going fulltime into crypto now again. That wouldn't be for me. I would shoot a heart attack in the next second from the stress that this would give me.
We have this small group of friends where we talk about investments we get in, or at least which we are thinking about. This has a broad stretch in it from traditional stocks, to crowdfunding, to crypto, to ETF trackers. I learn a lot from it actually, but for some reason traditional stocks feel a bit scary at the moment. Companies which you just know are having a rough patch because of the pandemic are at some all time highs. All of this feels wrong, and something feel like it is bound to happen.
I hate to say it, but crypto in this current run almost feels like a safe haven, which is the contrary of what the rest of the world thinks.

I remember in my previous company showing my blog to a colleague when BTC was around 5500 and she knodded her head at me, like she was saying 'poor girlie' towards.
I said then: 'just think of me for a second, when bitcoin goes up to 50K
I just know for sure she has thought of me....it just has to be. Hopefully she would be mumbling something like 'damn, that Dutchy girl was right all along
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Almost everyone you talk to about crypto is indifferent at first until they see the huge gains which don't sit well with me. Most people look at the profit and not fundamentals which is sad. When people do consider what is possible in this sphere, they will jump on it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
well exactly...not everyone looks at the actual tech and thought behind it, but only the profit.
But that is even like the second though. Most are heldback even when they see the huge gains and will say something like, yeahhhh that is too volatile for me
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
They cannot live in denial for too long. If they do so they stand a risk of missing out on this tech which will revolutionalize the world. It is only a matter of time before the give in (I think).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lol....such questions though....
Lol nice call, they should make you the finance advisory chief ASAP
Ive tried to create a WhatsApp or twitter group where we discuss finances and investments, but you know when you're the smartest person in the room, there's so little one can learn, which is why I'm here on leofinance all day everyday, too many people smarter than me, moreover, I'm all into crypto for now, I haven't yet delved into stocks, I don't have enough funds for that yet, again I just kind of think crypto is more interesting/fun....
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
crypto is more action for sure! and stocks are even more in hands of the bigger players than crypto already is it seems.
Indeed, I also try gaining my wisdom online here and there. Apart from that, I must admit that I am terrible in explaining the tech behind crypto in an understandable way to people..
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Damn that Dutchy girl was right <<<< I crack really hard on this hhahahhaa
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
hehehehe damn Dutchy girl is starting to be the middle name man hahaha