Hive needs a pipeline.
Funny, I have been thinking about this lately. Hive OJT. Or something like that. As far as jobs, it sounds really boring, but there are a bunch of online platforms where they hire people to do data entry. I tried one that had me labeling machine learning training data for medical procedures. All training was built into the system. Step one, step two, etc. Graded on work. If you do well you get to do that job for real. But the effort/earnings ratio wasn't worth it. And the training system wasn't that great, looked like it had been thrown together by some other trainees. Could be done better on Hive.
Also did some writing for an outfit called the Urban Writers. They sell on-demand ghostwriting services. You can pay them to write fiction and nonfiction books, SEO articles, etc. I went through their online hiring/training/testing process, which was put together better than the machine learning gig, but still a bit lacking. Again, not worth the effort for me. Very low pay compared to what you can earn freelancing directly with clients.
A ghostwriting service is a natural fit for Hive. But then how decentralized should/can it be? Can clients pay with a credit card to purchase Hive or whatever token it uses? Centralized and easier to use. Or do they just have to get used to using crypto and buy it somewhere else first like everyone else? Decentralized and harder to use. Tough choices.
I wrote a post recently related to this. SaaS ideas for Hive.