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RE: My Most Successful Post in Years (Promoting Hive) Was Just Downvoted by Curangel for Over $200 Right Before Payout

in LeoFinance3 years ago

You're the one who quickly quit and is turning against Hive

5.5 years here, on the edge of quitting for more than 2 of them, but only stayed because of how much I am able to support people here with the delegation that I have.

Nothing quick about it; I just know when to stop trying to change something that can't be changed.

Authoritarians like you & azircon have been behaving the same way since the beginning, you've just stepped it up a few notches since COVAIDS gave y'all an excuse for extra aggressive virtue signalling.

Wanna check out my rewards received vs given? Guarantee you it's over less than 1% me.

Are you counting the thousands of comments I've given from my other accounts, including ones that don't post at all?

It's quite obvious that you know literally nothing about me, don't take in my content, don't know anything about what I have done here on Hive over the years, and are just throwing a tantrum because you're getting called out for being the bad guy.

Again, just keep giving more evidence, please.


I didn't even touch your posts until you started going full retard.

I'm sure you got plenty of accounts no one knows belong to you, no need to mention it, I know what people like you with a lot of stake delegated to them do.

Evidence of what? Me speaking my mind after getting tired of seeing the same shit happen time after time again? No consumer losers wanting to continue get overrewarded and overreward their friends for content no one cares about? Yeah, you're welcome.

I didn't even touch your posts until you started going full retard.

Hey look, more name-calling - super helpful!

I'm sure you got plenty of accounts no one knows belong to you, no need to mention it

Everyone who has been following me, or cared to look, knows what they all are, as there is nothing sneaky about them, they're used to support various projects & communities.

I know what people like you with a lot of stake delegated to them do.

Ya, spend hours a day curating hundreds or thousands of people, for years straight.

And then get treated like criminals for it by people like you.

Evidence of what?

Of your complete lack of willingness to consider a viewpoint besides your own, your lack of willingness to have conversation, your juvenile attacks & name-calling, and the fact that you are obviously acting without information - because not one thing you've said "about me" has landed anywhere near reality.

Maybe I'm acting this way because of how you're acting? Or do you think I just like being an asshole to people who don't deserve it?

Either way, point is, you're irrelevant and you bring close to 0 value to Hive. Bye.

"Maybe I'm acting this way because of how you're acting? Or do you think I just like being an asshole to people who don't deserve it?"

Either way, point is, you're irrelevant and you bring close to 0 value to Hive. Bye.

Why are you acting like this, is someone (JS) paying you to?
Do you like being an asshole to people who don't deserve it?
If so, what value outside of 0 does this behavior bring to HIVE?
Does chasing away HIVE yea-sayers and curators make you relevant?

Cause I've had it with this bullshit of you leeches providing nothing of value to Hive, no traffic, no new users, nothing but wanting to keep using said delegated stake by some inactive and some dipshit stakeholders to fill your pockets for eternity while everyone else is supposed to bring the actual value that'll get Hive to go somewhere.

Are you saying Justin Sun is paying me? are you actually mentally challenged?

These downvotes are bringing a lot more value to Hive than these content creators ever have. Most of them can go fuck off to the other 20+ websites they cross-post to cause by now they don't deserve any more Hive stake.

I don't know if JS is paying you or not. If I was Justin and I wanted to wage war on HIVE, then I'd hire people just like you to sew discord. You know, make people who've aided in spreading positivity and distribution for years feel completely demoralized and leave the platform. Hire people who "like to be assholes to those that don't deserve it." If you're not getting a check from him, why not ask him? You're already doing the work. Be honest—this is all about the rewards for you. Is it not? Is it true that the more posts you can zero out, that it helps to offset those $12.00 haircuts you give yourself now and then to virtue signal?

Hilarious, I just provided more value to Hive the past 2 days than your whole community did the past 5 years. This is where I stop reading anything your account ever says.