I'd classify it as more of an ability to take risks more than anything rather than an actual skill/talent. Most of it is really based on the Greater Fool theory, where you believe someone else will pay more for it than you did. Most of them aren't Ponzis per se, but most of them have a husk of a roadmap and overpromise without delivering too much due to the short-term attention span of NFT traders.
If you're new to NFTs, the best way to understand the ecosystem is really to just dive into some of these communities' Discords; all of them should have a general channel where most of the chatting goes on, you can get a feel of what each community is like by being there. Check out what's trending on OpenSea or https://icy.tools if you don't know where to start. It's fun, but don't be fooled by all the smokes and mirrors :)
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