#piratesunday: A break from the pirate business to have a Blessed Easter

”Black birds tend to like shiny things. I’m a Pirate, not a scurvy Financial advisor.” ~ The Bloody Raven

There is a change in my plans underway as I rummaged for a different piece of silver from my strong box for this week. A plan that is not of my own choosing but of circumstance and the odd challenge in my adopted faith. You see, I am not all dark. So, if God promises me a mansion in a shaded side of heaven, I’d probably be Gothic.

A recent Doctor’s visit detected a cardiovascular abnormality; a significantly altered Blood pressure well outside my normal range that set off an OMG alarm bell while his response was along the lines of ‘a-matter-of-fact’ manner as to keep me calm and suggested a follow up appointment in August.

2015 2 Troy oz. Silver Shield’s The Crucifixion The Passion
Reverse; Christ Crucified, Legend INRI
2 Troy oz. 0.999 Fine Silver
47mm Diameter, 4mm Thickness

INRI is an acronym of the Latin phrase IESVS·NAZARENVS·REX·IVDÆORVM (Jesus Nazarenus, rex Judæorum), which translates into English as "Jesus Nazarene, King of the Jews." This title appears in the New Testament in the Passion narrative of the Gospel of John (19:19)…. ~ New World Encyclopedia

Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross. It read: Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews. Many of the Jews read this sign, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the sign was written in Aramaic, Latin and Greek. The chief priests of the Jews protested to Pilate, “Do not write ‘The King of the Jews,’ but that this man claimed to be king of the Jews.” Pilate answered, “What I have written, I have written.” ~ The Gospel of John 19:19-22 NIV

Concerned, I spilled out a litany of other issues including weight gain and sleep problems. Being trained and practicing as a nurse does have its drawbacks is that my mind can go long and far of the possible variety of prognoses on the smallest shred of a symptom. A little knowledge can go too far.

2015 2 Troy oz. Silver Shield’s The Crucifixion The Passion
Obverse; 2014 Version of The Trivium
Minted by; The Mulligan Mint

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. ~ John 3:16 -17 NIV

I have already assumed my workaholic lifestyle will have to come to an end. It was difficult to meet my family’s financial goals over the last ten years but with sheer determination, good timing with a full time Nursing job along with two cash jobs on the side. (And good babysitting) My Hive.blog just happened to be my third. Things would be easier with a gainfully employed and supportive spouse, but I can only play with the cards I’m dealt with.

I can guess that the acquisition of the family car was good timing since I felt changes in my general health had slowed down from the wear and tear of working extended hours beyond my limits for so long. Feeling more aches and pains than I usually do and finding more and more white hairs. It is time to ease off the gas pedal and start declining the Overtime and two of the side jobs. And get back on my Kona mountain bike or maybe even do that Actifit thing but I need exercise.

For those into the Easter Bunny

1967 Canada 5 cents 100th Anniversary of Canada
Reverse; Hopping Rabbit
Legend; 5 CENTS, CANADA 1867-1967
4.54 g, Nickel
21mm Diameter, 1.7mm Thickness
Mintage of 38,876,574
Reference KM# 66, Schön# 68

And finally, to get back on track with my devotional time with my Lord and Savior on a more consistent basis. My Pastor was right, the Provincial government-imposed mandate of prolonged closing of the Church causes harm to the spiritual bonds of the fellowship while Social Houses and Bars are fully open for business. I suggested having Church service in a bar.

In his way he’d say, “The physiological issue with your heart isn’t as important as the spiritual one.” And it is no coincidence he chose my Doctor’s appointment so close to Easter to drive this message home.

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. ~ Mathew 6:19-21

"Say what?"

He is Risen!

He is Risen Indeed! Come Lord Jesus!

First Easter by Jeff Jacobs under Pixabay

Have a wonderful and blessed Easter Sunday

Thank yea fer coming aboard!

The #piratesunday tag is the scurvy scheme of Captain @stokjockey for #silvergoldstackers pirates to proudly showcase their shiny booty and plunder for all of Hive to see. Landlubbers arrrh…welcomed to participate and be a Pirate at heart so open yer treasure chests an’ show us what booty yea got!


2021 1 Troy oz. Silver Shield’s The Crucifixion
New World Encyclopedia : INRI
NIV – New International Version , Biblica The International Bible Society


1. My own pictures shot with a Samsung SM-A530W
P. Image under Pixabay
R. Clip art from 123RF
W. Wiki Commons

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“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”

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Like I said, its time to ease off the gas pedal and spend more time with your grown boys.
I hope you have booked some Vacation time this summer. You probably need it sooner.
You're blessed more than you realize, see you at Church.


You have been a fine Stand in as a Father and I wouldn't be here if not for the help and care of the Church family.

Thank you.

My favorite cross but it is not silver. The Design originally based on a cross owned by an unknown Knight Hospitaler on Malta.

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He is risen, indeed!

I hope you had a wonderful Easter Weekend Sis! Slowing down is so much a habit that won't be easy to give up but I need a course correct to the right direction and give credit to where credit is due.

Always, with Love 🤗 🌺 💖

1782 Mexico Colonial 1 Reale Reverse, Carlos the 4th

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You have an old soul!
Look how much you love old coins!

Hugs and kisses 🤗 🌺 💖

Slowing down @kerrislravenhill is a very good thing my friend! The closing of Churches because of Covid, has been very difficult for the Mrs and I....
We lead Worship for our Church from home, and the Mrs is growing tired of being separated from our Church family....She is wanting to return next week to in person Church...with mask's.
I will stop rambling @kerrislravenhill, have a very Blessed Easter, and we will keep you in our prayers that your condition improves!😀

According to personal emails among my Church family the leadership may hold a Church service in violation of the edict that really isn't sound at so many levels. So we will be following in the footsteps of an Alberta Pastor and an Abbotsford Church in pushing back the unjust edict.
Thanks for your rant @silvertop

Fantasy Replica 8 Reales Atocha Cob by Daniel Carr Reverse

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I hope you get some rest @kerrislravenhill, and are able to slow down some. Take care of yourself my friend!!😀
Always nice to read your excellent post!!

Oh my, this year's Tax Return headaches! I'd swear they design these forms to be tortuous. It's no wonder so many use a Software package or go to a Pro to do these infernal things.

Good luck @kerrislravenhill what a pain my friend!

He is risen! He is risen, indeed! You too, shall overcome this health issue. Be diligent and purposeful and slow down as you've said. Sometimes things that happen like this can be the catalyst to getting back to the important things in life. You are heading in the right direction with your changes. Take care of yourself, my sister and know that through it all, God holds you in the palm of His hand. Always there; always comforting; always with a peace the surpasses all understanding. You are loved, my sister, by many!💜💕🤗😇🙏✝️

I guess it is my own Pride that achieving my financial goals became too important, rather I should give credit to the Lord that gave me the means to achieve his financial goals, and we know he doesn't need money, he just wants to see what we do with it when that NEED comes.
We are just Stewards of his wealth
I can see myself giving out Maple Leafs to unprepared Church family in need.
Lord bless you for the encouragement @elizabethbit

Fantasy Replica 8 Reales Atocha Cob by Daniel Carr Obverse

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You are most welcome my sister! He has been knocking on my door, so to speak that I need to take the time to really notice His creation and not be so focused on hurrying up and finishing the never ending list of things that need to be done. It's a struggle I have with myself, but thank God that He is patient and kind! Take care my sis! I'm here for you!💜

I thought nurses always run from one bed to another. No, I am not gonna make jokes, we cannot do without you here so stay healthy please.

In my earlier years as a Nurse I was in great shape. In classes, I'd race the elevator to the Ninth floor, I swam a full kilometer in the local Olympic length pool and did a weekly weight circuit. I pull on the upper body strength. In the first units I worked I took on the 12 hour shifts. The majority of the nurses were smaller Asian and Filipino gals and so I did a lot of the lifting.
Not anymore, after a lot of time the wear and tear gets to you and I found this Night Shift work. Sometimes it's busy but most times not except for the last 2 hours of the shift.
With my seniority I should be getting a day desk job.
I still love the work.
Thanks for chiming in and I appreciate your concern @goldrooster

1794 Mexico Colonial 8 Reales Obverse, Carlos the 4th.

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Have blessed Easter @kerrislravenhill. Yes, take care of yourself, its important!

Doing it for so long, I guess too long as a habit, and the extra cash and hours may have to be left to someone else who may even need it more than I do.

Hope you had a Happy Easter @fat-elvis

1794 Mexico Colonial 8 Reales Reverse, Carlos the 4th

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The piece of silver with Christ's crucifixion is a stunning coin! I pray your health will improve very soon!

Thank you @goodmemories ,
I hope to find an appropriate coin as the antithesis that can best encapsulate The Resurrection.
One cannot talk about The Passion with considering the result of his sacrifice.
For Sin's debt of the world. Christ's sacrifice is his "Payment offered."
And the Resurrection of Jesus was "Payment Accepted!"

Latin: D.G. or Dei Gratia (By the Grace of God) are words often found in many European and Commonwealth coins.

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Yes, He is Risen!

Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian

He is Risen indeed!
Come Lord Jesus.
I was hoping a Silver round would come out as an antithesis to the image of Christ on the Cross. Like something akin to the empty cross in the background, the empty tomb and Jesus the revealing of himself before Mary. Perhaps it's too difficult to depict such a glorious event on a coin.
Lord Bless you, @ironshield

Pillar Dollar Replica 8 Reales by QSB Mint

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Happy Easter!

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And I hope you also had a lovely Easter too.
Thank you for dropping in @erinclair

1782 Mexico Colonial 1 Reale Obverse, Carlos the 4th

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Maybe one day you'll happen upon an extra set of hands to help things along with your immediate fam. Neat pieces to showcase for Easter, hope it was a good one!

IF my stubborn sense of Independence and pride doesn't get in the way.
A lot of credit goes to my Church family for the love and help piecing my life back together by help with baby sitting, means for me to finish nursing school, taught me real home economics, discipline and self reliance on top of faith in God.
I'm still a Work in progress.
None of us can get here without a helping hand.

Thanks for dropping in @enginewitty

This post has received a 100.00% upvote from @fambalam! Join thealliance community to get whitelisted for delegation to this community service.

Thank you my Alliance Fam! Hugs for everyone! Yo Ho, and Happy Easter too!

“No prey, no pay” Silver Shield Round by Golden State Mint

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