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RE: Another Generation Of Active Investors Will Be Destroyed

Retirees and pension funds are being sacrificed as savings earn no interest. So they have to rely on the Equity markets and riskier instruments to make up the shortfall. A lot of Pensions are not adequately funded, my Municipal pension recently announced major changes to their entire financial model last year. I'm not retiring for a while but I'd be worried if I am pensioner these days.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


State pensions surly they are not going to be saved, either they're getting cut or some nice financial trickery will be done to give you the promised figures without the promised purchasing power.

I have a private pension and its performed shockingly bad, I still obviously have to contribute to it, but I doubt it will be worth anything when it comes time for me retire so I have to figure something else out

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta