What's my favorite Silver piece? Good Question. A magic coin that dwells on the possiblities and tells a story of "What if...." Lookout, Twilight Zone stuff.
Close, too small.
What's my favorite Silver piece? Good Question. A magic coin that dwells on the possiblities and tells a story of "What if...." Lookout, Twilight Zone stuff.
Close, too small.
I'm no expert, but that looks like one of the legendary "Pieces of Eight" !
Thank you !
First picture. Close, it's more a 2/8ths of a pieces-of-eight Philip V. The Spanish Pillar Dollar or 'Pieces-of-Eight' are very expensive in reasonable condition. I got a Mexican Colonial 8 Reales that is a newer 8 Reale.
Cool ! It's a subject I really should learn more about. Not to collect silver - here in the UK you can get hit with 20% VAT unless you risk buying it privately, so the price would have to go up a lot before it became a worthwhile investment ! But as a bit of a historian coins can tell you a lot about a society and how it's economy is doing. I've got a few Napoleonic period coins, but they're mostly bronze and copper that I picked up just because I found them interesting.
Not convinced?
That's more like it.
Not Reale you say? It is 8 Reals , sort of.
But a Fantasy coin.
Lol, you rang? 😆
A rhetorical ring come to think of it. That is without the @. But since you're here, thanks for dropping in.
amazing coin