The Crazy World of Poured Silver Art, Fun Collectable or just a glorified Generic

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

My MKBarZ Treasure Chest.

”Black birds tend to like shiny things.” ~ The Bloody Raven

Almost anything collectable is going up in price. From classic vintage cars to Pokemon and sports cards prices are rising generally across the board. From professional auction houses to club bulletin boards even Ebay are abuzz with bidding and buying in the quest for hard assets.

Silver bullion is no exception. Any object can be fashioned in fine silver to what tickles your fancy and mine happens to be Poured replica Pirate silver.

There is a lot of cash printing going on by cash strapped countries in the name of stimulating crumbling economies and a good chunk of that new cash is in the search for quality valued assets. Why? The threat of high inflation and the subsequent failure of our central bank-controlled Fiat currency system.


A few nights ago, in a quiet stretch of my Night Shift, I reviewed the Silver Dragons latest silver auction. About ninety minutes into the auction a highly anticipated item finally made its appearance on the auction stage. The situational context; One hundred and sixty viewers and potential bidders of Silver Dragon's sixty-five thousand subscriber base are present online.

A lot of hype had been generated long before that evening. Silver Dragons again reiterates on it's extreme rarity. A dear friend semi-corroborated the value of this piece by citing a 2019 Ebay auction sale price of $2000 while he remained skeptical of it's final price and how it got there. I have yet to find the Sales data to verify this.

Up for bids is a One-ounce Silver Baggins silver round made by MKBarz back in the fall of 2016. Number 31 of no more than 140 in existence.


The Silver Baggins silver round was one of a group of YouTube channels that publicly promoted poured silver art. The collaborative effort was a way of supporting those channels as well as a Thank You for their creative efforts in making Poured Silver art a fun and practical part of every Stacker's journey.


Round production came to a abrupt halt when a legal representative of Warner Brothers warned Silver Baggins that his use of the name 'Baggins' is a violation of a protected Trademark.

Hence, the name since changed to Silver Dragons. I was alerted to the news development and within a few days scraped together enough cash for a worthwhile sized order. I received the number 105 Baggins round. However, at the time my finances turned out quite precarious due to circumstances beyond my control and over the next year so I could not acquire any of the the remaining Channel bars, I've barely managed ten oz for all 2017 and most of 2018.


At 90 minutes into the Auction, Bidding for this round began at $120, twelve minutes later with three bidders pushed the bid price to over $400. The winning bidder Fincen, also known as a dashing Instagram Silver Pirate of a big pirate Stack reputation, was thus the final bidder at $450.


My take-away on the final value

I stood back to observe some factors at play.
Silver Dragons was there to put on a show and make a few bucks to finance his Stacking whether it be by trade, sale, or AdsSense income and he had made strides in polishing his sales and showmanship over the last few years, maintaining a positive entertaining atmosphere. So hyping up this appealing old round is a given with only 140 ever made with very few appearing in the secondary markets.

There is a bit of an aura around the fact that this item is a legally BANNED. He had the letter to prove it. Then, what does that say about the participating bidders? To these prospective Buyers it is a Badge of Honor to possess, so looking at the name handles alone suggests that they tend to be of the Libertarian camp, anti-Authoritarian by nature or non-conformist to the way things are and to own this Round would be a slap in the face of an tyrannical authority to the admiration and accolades of our Pirate brethren and Stacking peers.

As The Bloody Raven, I am the proud owner of Round #105.

And that brings us to crowd dynamics, group think, herding. That intangible phenomena that at a time of battle can kept a battalion of soldiers, shoulder to shoulder, pressing forward into withering gun fire. In this case I had observed many supportive comments from peers cheering the remaining Bidders on as the bid price climbed in leaps and bounds.

But the glory and prize eventually goes to one winner.
The wreath of victory is awarded.
A good memory is born and a friendship or two are made.

A special one Ounce Silver Round for $450.
$25 for the Silver and $425 the Fun Premium!
Congratulations, Fincen, aka Captain Coda, Instagram Pirate.

What a way to spend that Stimulus cash.

So, does anyone else in HIVE possess a rare Silver Baggins Round?

I hope yea enjoyed me little Pirate Blog t’day

Thank yea fer coming aboard!

The #piratesunday tag is the scurvy scheme of Captain @stokjockey for #silvergoldstackers pirates to proudly showcase their shiny booty and plunder for all of Hive to see. Landlubbers arrrh…welcomed to participate and be a Pirate at heart so open yer treasure chests an’ show us what booty yea got!

Related Past Articles

New Series in Social Media Community Silver Bars
The Silver Shuriken ‘Order of the Raven’ Channel Bar


1. My own pictures shot with a Samsung SM-A530W
P. Image under Pixabay
R. Clip art from 123RF
W. Wiki Commons


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It is crazy. This is not worth $450!
Here is mine.

I remember seeing this version of the round but can't place exactly when but a curious variant of the original. I hope that MKBarz has been archiving all their work for the sake of collectors.

If you have been following the Saga of this round you may understand the Hype around this piece. Who really knows for certain that this may have been contrived or totally organic in the way it turned out. I could even argue that it's a Guy Thing.

The Collection of thee Bloody Raven! More than yea thinks!

Thanks for Dropping in Sis, 🤗🌺💓

This makes me want a treasure chest with a bunch of hand poured silver in it. One more thing on my list! Thanks lol

Arrrrh, yea ain'ts seen nothing yet!

The Collection of The Bloody Raven, my alter Ego has been acquiring Pirate silver for a while now. Each piece to have it's own adventure story of how it came into her possession.

I thanks yea fer thy comment @joshman ☠️⚔️

Let me just observe how things goes

That's alright.

Meanwhile I'm figuring what to put into this cute little new chest but first I will need to decorate it a bit.

I appreciate you dropping by @mayorkeys ☠️

That is pretty cool! Congrats on having #105 as well. As for the trade mark thing......maybe not in this case, but I've run into an issue similar for a product I was making (not silver related) and had a company call me on an everyday word of the English language, as being trademarked to them. I found it confounding and interesting at the same time. I renamed my product. Thanks for sharing the history on this silver piece. Take care my sister!🤗🍀💞

Come to think of it, I was beginning to be convinced that Apple Corp was gonna Monopolize the letter "i" and it would end up everyone having to pay a proprietary usage license fee for using the letter "i" in our everyday speech, email, and letter we write.

Only for everyone to never use the letter " " agan as a protest aganst the tyranncal use of the Englsh Language. So when Wrtng, you stll know how to read ths message. Rght Sster?

Chershng your precous comment Elzabetbt 🤗 💗

The Bloody Raven's 8,4,2 and 1 Reals Chest

" " completely understand your reples! LOL! Love ya sster!🤗💜

This is a real life Pirate quest, hang onto this silver my friend!!!Awesome @kerrislravenhill, congratulations on number 105!🤗

I've only got one of these and it's sure tempting to Auction this piece or exchange it in a trade for a boatload of silver.

By the way, the Winner now has more than a few of these Baggins rounds. Talk about your Silver Baggins super Fan.

Treasuring your precious comments @silvertop ☠️

The Bloody Raven's Mutiny Metals Chest

Awesome pirate chest my friend, just look at that Silver!!!🤗Hmmm...Lots of Silver for this Baggins is tempting @kerrislravenhill.....

I remember you ordering this crazy, pricey Silver Bullion, and you know what? I still think you're crazy but Lucky too.
Congratulations Girl.


And I will take it as a Pirate's Compliment.
I think you can use a little more variety in your Stack that what I get you for Christmas and that other special occasion.
Playing it too safe PD, take a chance on something new and poured, like a Silver Parrot?

Backyard Bullion Treasure Chest

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Thank you @punkysdad for all the support over my tough years. 💋

This post has received a 100.00% upvote from @fambalam! Join thealliance community to get whitelisted for delegation to this community service.

Mucho Hugs, my Alliance Family!

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Wow, crazy price. I’m not an experienced enough seller to know if I can get back the premium on poured silver but anything spot + $1-2 per ounce seems like a good buy to me. Still unbelievable on that one!

This Baggins Silver round has been well hyped well before the actual auction. I know of a few 'Silver Whales' that may be interested and could potentially take this thing over the top. The result was impressive and left me with some thoughts that I expressed here and echoed on Instagram

Being a part of that Community silver bar initiative, my MKBarz made Ninja Throwing Star Channel bar got some attention and I find myself being DMed Offers for it for well above spot.
What to do.

Thanks for dropping in @brian.rrr

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