Awesome work on the contests! I would also love to sponsor some so please reach out to me on Discord so I can just send LEO and let you run it.
These days, I would love to run initiatives as well but @anomadsoul has shown me with LPUD that having someone focused and dedicated to initiatives is far better than adding more work to my plate.
If I can send LEO somewhere that you can access it and give it away for growth-based prizes, I’d be happy to do it! Just let me now
I also believe we have a lot of room to grow. It’s amazing how large of a community and ecosystem we are with just 600 MAUs. Imagine what this place would look like if we had 2500 MAUs
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It would be- and will be insane with 2500 MAUs. This is only the beginning, but we have awesome results so far!
I might take you up on that offer shortly. I have some pretty sweet things in mind going forward. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta