You hit the nail on the head here. #ProjectBlank is going to bring the type of content style/engagement that exists on these new platforms (which are ironically non-blockchain compatible) to Hive - the best content-oriented blockchain in the world.
ProjectBlank introduces a radical new way to create content - it's unlike any other form of content creation that exists on Hive and it's all made possible by a unique data structure that we developed. I can't wait to unveil the project :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Reading this just makes me not to wait more . I hope it rolls out soon .
Many of my Twitter addict friends are shifting to noise cash and once microblogging comes into effect , we can bring them here.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's what tells me of how much of a NEED and market for what LEO is bringing....The crypto industry is begging for a Twitter-esque platform.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Man...To say I'm excited to get my hands into #ProjectBlank would be the understatement of the year.
Can't wait for it!
We'll do a whole training module on it to and stick it into CTP...Get more people from outside the blockchain space taking a strong look at this stuff.
Exciting times!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Awesome! We’ll need to spread the message far and wide when it launches, so that will be a huge help :)
Hopefully, LeoInfra V3 will also launch around the same time. This will mean lite accounts via Google, Facebook and Emil as well.
Onboarding the masses, here we come!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Brilliant stuff man. Looking forward to seeing this all play out :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta