The amount of people who are reading this as a "fuck you" is showing me how much bitterness there is.
Relax guys. Life's not that serious.
The simple call to action is: participate and be a part of this community.
If you think this is such a big fuck you, then maybe you don't belong here to be completely frank.
I can't believe how many people got butthurt by simply being asked to do the bare minimum.
You misunderstood. I don't think any of us read this as a "fuck you", that's our response to the post.
The post didn't "simply ask", it threatened and chastised.
As for, "maybe you don't belong here", I certainly don't if this is the kind of attitude presented by the leadership of the platform. I wouldn't work for anyone who talked to me like this post did, I'm definitely not spending my free time participating in a platform that talks to me like that.