
though the existing options are enough. A palette to create custom one may add zing to it.
I understand that will create complexity in CSS and template maintenance.

Yeah we'll probably have something like this down the road

Oh, my!

I still haven't paid attention to this side of things. I just have the blue checkmark and go on with the adventure 😂

Am not a premium user yet but am working of being one soon. I think the green color is out of this world for me. Maybe because I love green color.

Green is cool! I'm on it now :)

Green would look great, where can I make those changes dear friend?

Click More on the left -> Settings Page

Ok, perfect, I'll check it out

I am premium but I have been a basic bitch LOL have not changed it LOLOL maybe I should give it a try eheheh

Haha yep give it a shot!

I just did and it actually changed so smoothly :D ehehhe Love it

This is a good combination!

Actually, Orange.